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English worksheets  > contributions by deon


The author

Korea, South

Hello, I just finished teaching in Thailand for 6 months. Now off to Seoul [well, May 20th but this time I am determined to be prepared!]

Points: 21


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Online exercises

Weather Word Find
Weather word find that I made for my prathom 5 and 6s.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-12
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 2

Emotions / Feelings Page 2
Page 2 of my emotions/feelings. Show the full size flash cards of each emotions. For scared, I would walk up to a student not paying attention and go "BOO!". Everyone would laugh and that would help explain �scared�. The left side is for them to draw their own version of the word, next how it sounds to them, meaning in native language, and you can ...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-11
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 3

Animal Homes
I made this for my kindys when we were talking about where animals live. I wrote on the board a spider lives in a web. A cow lives in a barn. A bird lives in a nest. A bat lives in a cave. A hamster lives in a cage. I had them write the words and draw the houses in the area below. I got some really cute pictures. I teach 5 year old Koreans. Even th...
Level: elementary
Age: 3-6
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 0

Feelings / Emotions
First I printed the full size flash cards of each face [emotions]. For "angry" I had my students make a fist and pound their desks as they said the word (For "hungry" I had them rub their bellies...For "love" had them make hearts with their hands...) Then I passed out the worksheet. The left side is for them to draw their own version of the emot...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-11
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 5

Countries - Flags and Nationalities
When I was teaching in Thailand my �company� gave me horrid worksheets that said �He is Mexican because he is wearing a sombrero� and things like that. *rolls eyes* I did not want to create stereo types so I made this worksheet. First I printed out full size flags of each and found the national anthem mp3 of each online and played it. Some kids wer...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 11


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