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English worksheets  > contributions by Sharon23


The author


Points: 130


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Online exercises

Furniture and Devices
The students have to look at the pictures, then, they have to write the name of the piece of furniture or device below. Finally, they have to find the word in the word search.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 26

Friday I�m in love
Students have to do three activities. The first one is a fill in the blanks exercise. The second consists of putting the sentences in the correct order and finally they have to answer two questions.
Level: elementary
Age: 14-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 18

Social Issues
An activity to learn social issues. Hope you like it!
Level: intermediate
Age: 15-100
Type: others
Downloads: 33

This is an exercise I have prepared for adult students at an intermediate level. The task is simple: Students should look the words they don�t know up in the dictionary and then they have to write them under the correct title (dairy product, poultry, etc)
Level: intermediate
Age: 15-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 34

Policy Proposals
This is a reading comprehension activity. First students have to look at the picture, guess what�s that person�s job, then they have to answer a question. Finally, they have to read the interview and solve the activities. This is intended to introduce the different uses of going to and will.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Type: reading
Downloads: 19


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