Landscapes - reading homework
This is a weekend homework about landscapes. They will read passages about Deserts and The Grand Barrier Reef.
The language focus was comparatives and superlatives.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 34
Types of Homes Crossword Puzzle
Here is a nice crossword Puzzle about types of homes. I also thought of including matching the pictures with the clues. I also did an answer key, however I couldn�t put them together in the same document so you will find it with the rest of my worksheet. Enjoy!
Level: intermediate
Age: 6-100
Downloads: 32
Plural Nouns
This worksheet is to practice the plural nouns. Here is a list of some words. Students will have to find their plural. You will find both regular and irregular nouns.
Level: elementary
Age: 4-9
Downloads: 8
Children�s rights
This is a worksheet where I used the students own answers when talking about Children�s right. I have had a speaking lesson with my 2nd graders. The students gave me their view and opinion about their rights which I used in the worksheet.
Level: elementary
Age: 5-12
Downloads: 16
ANGRY BIRDS - Superlatives
This is an exercise from a movie segment; ANGRY BIRDS. Students will have to watch a segment and answer the questions. You will find the link in the worksheet. I hope you enjoy it as much as my students did! Have fun!!
Level: elementary
Age: 6-12
Downloads: 9
The Largest Countries in the World
This is a weekend homework for 4th grades which talks about countries. Students will learn about finding the information from a text.
The homework has 3 parts; reading, vocabulary and use of English. For the vocabulary, it�s related to countries and for the language focus, it is about expressing time.
I hope you enjoy it with your students as m...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 94
WRITING - Describe your Dinosaur
As I mentioned before, when teaching about Dinosaurs, I have taught my 2nd Graders about how to write a descriptive paragraph using using dinosaurs as a topic. For this reason, I have introduced them to a technique to help them learn how to write a descriptive text.
First, the students choose a name for their dinosaurs. To make it fun, I always te...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-12
Downloads: 10
Describing people - Crossword Puzzle
After reading your comments about the last worksheet, here I am with another one with more details. Please feel free to send me messages in case you need some worksheets about specific topics. I�d be more than glad to do so especially after all teachers are working from home we need to help each other.
Level: elementary
Age: 9-100
Downloads: 31
Persuasive Reading and Writing with sports
This is a homework which I have done for 4th Graders, you can use it for different level according to the level of your students. It�s a worksheet where you�ll have reading comprehension, vocabulary as well as writing. The topic was sports, letter or email and persuasive text, so I tried to combine all of them in one worksheet.
Level: elementary
Age: 9-15
Downloads: 30
Question Tags
This worksheet is about Question Tags. This is both a lesson explaining how to use it in a simple way for young learners, with examples of simple present, simple past.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 22