English worksheets > contributions by Pelletrine
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A nice day to everyone of you :o)) I�m Danish, I live in Burgondy, France... and I teach English ;o) in middle school (11-14 years old, more or less)... And, I love it! And, I really love this site, I�m proud of, and happy being part of it, so, hope I can become useful to some of you : you inspire me so much !! You help me have a better day ... every day!
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4 skills WS cyberbullying "I feel so stupid"
PP READ the short text (about cyber bullying), DISCUSS the issue,INTERVIEW a classmate about (being) bothered by somebody,and SHARE, DISCUSS the reasons for bullying, and finally WRITE to give some advice to the cyberbullied girl from the text. I gave it to my 8th graders this morning: we had a lot of interesting sharing taking place! Hope it can b...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 349
Likes, Ages and Nationalities:Logic Game
This little puzzle was for my 6th graders: (false) 1st year of English: revising LIKES, NATIONALITIES/COUNTRIES,PRESENT SIMPLE and the use of BE with AGE: not easy for our little French ones ;o)
I hope you can use it too. Have a great day all of you! And thank you Zsuzsapszi, for your lovely template ;o)))
There is a mistake in the first columm: ...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 219
4 skills WS �LOOK� Philo-Tales1
DO WE HAVE TO POSSESS SOMETHING IN ORDER TO APPRECIATE IT? -I love making my students THINK and REACT while learning English. So: a 4 skills WS about VALUES and PLEASURE. Rich communicative lessons ahead! TEACHER NOTES included with references and ideas on lessonplan and level.THANKS so much, Jecika, for the inspiring template! :o)) HUGS to all of ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 70
Logic game : School
I can�t help it ;o))) - It�s too much fun to make, and my students love this kind of "revision" : Here is another puzzle: this time to revise present BE+Ving and school activities and places: hope you like it and can use it :o)) Thank you so much Zsuzsapszi for the template. The background is from �Cute Clipart� : a href="http://www.mycutegraphics....
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 265
Logic Game: Halloween ;o))
Halloween logic puzzle: how many sweets? What costume? Who did the 5 friends go �Trick or treating� with? - revise Halloween vocabulary an presents tenses... and present perfect. Hope you can use it too ;o))
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 341
School things word search
School things vocabulary for the very first days of 1st year English class: 5 activities around a word seach: 1)find the hidden words.2)find the missing word. 3)label the pictures. 4)draw the missing pictures, and label them. 5) colour some pictures as instructed.You may follow up by asking students to instruct their classmates, orally, to colou...
Level: elementary
Age: 5-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 30
Reader: Short Biography on Harriet Tubman
Black History Month will soon be here.So I prepared this reading comprehension for my 9 graders. Text mostly from the net,but layout and added exercises are mine.Hope you like it! Anyway, thanks to you all for beeing so very inspiring!
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 100
Imagine and write a small story n� 3
Here is a third worksheet, just as easy to use. Have your students answer 5 simple wh- questions inspired by the picture. Then they use the information to write a small story on the lines provided beneath. At last they share their story with classmates. Have fun !
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 3
Learn about Christmas and New Year Greetings
Christmas cards: ss will learn christmas vocabulary and how to write a greeting card, also suitable for New year�s greetings.There is a puzzle included: should help you spark off speaking activities.It ends up with a small written exercise
- You might wrap it all up, having them decorating and writing their own greeting cards, each giving one to ...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 62
Present BE + Ving conversation game
SORRY? This is my first try oploading,please look at the SECOND page: the ACTIVITY CARD IS there !! (first page is only explaining how to use this conversation game for 2 students.) Game: ss find out, by asking structured questions, what present continuous sentence their partner has created from given elements. Great for structure practice.
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 2

What time is it ? When is it ?
To help mastering telling time, and different moments of a day/night. To be done when �telling time� notions have been seen in class. Help to differenciate PM and AM.
Hope you can use it. Thanks for your comments :o))
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100