It�s a very simple worksheet but I�m sure you can make use of it.
You can review shapes and introduce there to be.
Have fun!!
Level: elementary
Age: 7-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 13
My Girl Song
Hi Everyone. I have made this worksheet to work with my students on Valentine�s Day, however you can use it in many situations.
It�s a nice listening practice.
Enjoy it!!
Level: elementary
Age: 11-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 13
World Quiz / Superlative form
Hi there!!! A simple worksheet to introduce comparative and superlative form. It can also be used as a warm up to get students envolved about the topic.
I hope you enjoy!
Kisses from Brazil
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 12
Family Members
This worksheet can be useful if you have to teach vocabulary related to family! My students liked a lot!
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 4
Around Town
Hi Everyone! I�ve made this ws to introduce city vocabulary.
It�s simple but usefull since my students really enjoy games and drawings.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 0
Let�s review the numbers
This worksheet is a good way to review numbers from 1 to 40.
kids can do it in pairs saying the numbers out loud.
Level: elementary
Age: 6-9
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 7
Clothes and Colours
I�m working on items of clothing with my kids. This is one of the worksheets I made for them.
It can be used to check clothes and colour vocabulary.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 9
What is Sara wearing today?
HI again!! This is the second part of my worksheet about clothes. The procedures are the same. The cut out page is the next!
Level: elementary
Age: 6-8
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 41
The cut out page
the third part!! Cut out page!
Level: elementary
Age: 6-8
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 44
Color the monsters
I�ve made this worksheet to work with my 5 year old students.
I took only the pictures from a nice worksheet I downlowed some time ago.
You say the monster�s name and ask kids to color them according to any color you want. Then, ask them to math the monsters to each color word.
The kids had a lot of fun!!
Level: elementary
Age: 5-7
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 49