this is an exam for 6th grade students. It includes can, can�t, must, mustn�t, parts of animals and plants, invitation card andso on...
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Type: others
Downloads: 0
The Flinstones and "can"
It is a colorful printable,so I think your students like it while they are learning "can."
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 12
This powerpoint is very colorful. It includes cartoon characters, so students enjoy it so much:)
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 4
the last part of my ppt about the colors. I hope that you like it.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 8
It is the rest of colors.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 12