"How did you feel?": -ed and -ing adjectives
A worksheet to consolidate the use of -ed and -ing adjectives
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 11
"My favourite singer" (comparatives and superlatives)
It includes a text describing Robbie Williams which serves as sample language to infer the form and use of comparatives and superlatives.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 23
2010 MAIN EVENTS (listening and speaking activity)
This worksheet provides a basic overview of the main international events that took place in 2010. It is inspired on a worksheet by chorima "bye Bye 2008) and based on a nice google video. Link to youtube and key provided. It�s been designed for the first lesson after Christmas. Hope you like it!
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 35
2011 MAIN EVENTS (speaking and listening tasks)
This worksheet provides a basic overview of the main international events that took place in 2011. It is inspired by a worksheet by chorima "bye Bye 2008) and based on a nice google video. Link to youtube and key provided. It�s been designed for the first lesson after Christmas. Hope you like it!
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 64
2012: Year in review (4 skills lesson)
This worksheet provides a basic overview of the main international events that took place in 2012). It is based on a nice google video. Link to youtube and key provided. It�s been designed for the first lesson after Christmas. Hope you like it!
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 59
4 skills lesson: Roald Dahl�s THE WAY UP TO HEAVEN
This is a 4 skills lesson plan in which students watch the first 18 mins. of the TV adaptation of Roald Dahl�s "The Way Up To Heaven" (Link to Youtube provided) and finally read the original story (link to full text provided). The worksheet includes pre-watching, while-watching and post-watching tasks. My students really enjoyed this session!
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 75
A Simpsons episode: Homer the Great
A three-part activity on a Simpsons� episode
Duration: 21 minutes
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 28
A Simpsons� episode :" Itchy & Scratchy & Marge"
A worksheet on a Simpsons episode including a "before watching", "while watching" (the episode is divided into three parts and includes comprehension tasks) and "after watching" activities. At the end students are asked to discuss about violence on TV and censorship issues.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 26
A videoclip on Van Gogh: STARRY STARRY NIGHT
This is a song by Don McLean on Van Gogh�s life and works. To be used in conjunction with a nice video that includes a presentation of the painter�s major works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxHnRfhDmrk
Ideal for lessons on art and genius.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 21
This is an adaptation from a real interview to British actress Kate Winslet. Students read it focusing on vocabulary and sentence structure. As a follow-up activity it includes a role-play "interviewer-star"
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 21