"I Love My Town" - Reading leading to Writing (elementary students)
This is the first of 2 lessons on the topic "My Town"(2 Pages). Reading tasks: After speculating about the text they are going to read (images, key words, parts of the speech, ...), students read the text to complete the table. Then they solve a True/False exercise, quoting from the text to justify all answers, and answer some questions on the firs...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 640
"I Love The New Year" - Reading Comprehension activities for Upper Elementary Students
Students read the texts about New Year�s traditions on Wales and Scotland, complete the table and do a True/False exercise. Then they find opposites and answer 2 questions on the first text, and find references and answer questions on the 2nd one. 2 PAGES. Wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Hugs from Terceira Island. mena:)))
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 511
"I Love This Game!" - Reading Comprehension on Basketball for Upper Elementary and Lower Intermediate Students
This is a reading comprehension worksheet on Amerians� favourite sport - BASKETBALL (2 pages). 5 different reading tasks: multiple choice, sentence completing, references, vocabulary: synonyms and opposites. Then students cross the wrong verb tense out. This worksheet can be used with the ones (2) I uploaded some time ago on the topic Present Cont...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-12
Type: reading
Downloads: 758
"I wanna die" - Reading Comprehension for Intermediate students
I find this text very nice because it has a sense of humour. (3 pages) Reading tasks: meaning of expressions from the text, references, sentence completing and answering questions. Writing about students� daily routine from the time they wake up till they leave for school. Have a wonderful weekend! :))))
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Type: reading
Downloads: 695
"If Clauses" - Other Advanced Points (4th, Last of the SET)
I�ve made this worksheet just to complete the set (too difficult for my 8th graders). 4 Advanced points (KEY included) : If...should/ should happen to...; If ...were to; If it weren�t for you...; hadn�t it been for you...... Thanks for your fantastic comments on the set. I�m really happy that I could be of some help. Have a nice evening. :)))...
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 394
"It�s Break Time at ... School" - No. 3 on this dialogue series with focus on SPresent and SPast for Upper Elementary and Intermediate students
I had this idea 3 or 4 weeks ago... kids chichatting at breaktime, at school! This is the 3rd one with focus on grammar (Simple Present and Simple Past - KEY included + BLACK & WHITE VERSION) as well as on writing and speaking skills. After completing the dialogue, some students roleplay it to the class after some practice. Next time, other student...
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 379
"It�s Breaktime at ... School" (1) - a new dialogue series for Upper Elementary and Intermediate students
I�ve had this idea... kids chichatting at school, at breaktime! This is the 1st one with focus on grammar (Simple Present and Simple Past) as well as on writing and speaking skills. In the end, some students roleplay the dialogue to the class after some practice. Next time, other students will have the opportunity to present their dialogue too. BL...
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 414
"It�s breaktime at ... School!" - Dialogue Series (no. 4) with focus on Grammar: Past Simple or Past Continuous?
Ihad this idea some months ago... kids chichatting at school, at breaktime! This is the 4th ws with focus on grammar: Simple Past and Past Continuous. B&W version + KEY included. After correcting their answers, some students roleplay the dialogue to the class after some practice. Next time, other students will have the opportunity to present their ...
Level: elementary
Age: 11-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 353
"It�s Breaktime at ... School" (4) - dialogue series for Upper Elementary and Intermediate students
I�ve had this idea... kids chichatting at school, at breaktime! This is the 4th one with focus on grammar (Simple Present, Simple Past and be going to future) as well as on writing and speaking skills. In the end, some students roleplay the dialogue to the class after some practice. Next time, other students will have the opportunity to present the...
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 338
"It�s Breaktime at ...School" (2nd in this dialogue series) with focus on SPresent and SPast for Upper Elementary and Intermediate students
I�ve had this idea... kids chichatting at school, at breaktime! This is the 2nd one with focus on grammar (Simple Present and Simple Past - KEY included) as well as on writing and speaking skills. In the end, some students roleplay the dialogue to the class after some practice. Next time, other students will have the opportunity to present their di...
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 342