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English worksheets  > contributions by aftab57


The author

aftab ahmed
United Kingdom

�Do not look at my outward shape, But take what is in my hand.� Jalaludin Rumi

Points: 11685


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Online exercises

writing improvement 3
This is a 10 page 3rd upload on developing writing skills especially for Intermediate and Advanced level students.It focuses on writing an essay of comparison and looks at the ways to enhance the text in various ways. you can use it in variety of ways to enthuse the student and make learning to write an exciting, enjoyable and effective process.
Level: advanced
Age: 11-100
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 24

writing improvement 4 level 2 task 2 - writing a letter
This is task 2 for level 2 Trinity exam where you are required to write a semi-formal/formal letter to express your point of view. Activities are based on a model answer to teach students how to improve their writing. 5 page worksheet.
Level: advanced
Age: 16-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 31

writing simple sentences - describing people
Writing simple sentences about people. describing people.
Level: elementary
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 10

written feedback on essays
You could use this handouts together with the Powerpoint (separately uploaded) to share written feedback strategies in your institution. Feedback to student on their writing is essential for their continuous learning and improvement and it is especially important in relation to writing skills. In these handout I provide you with a rationale and tem...
Level: intermediate
Age: 16-100
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 20


Found 0 online exercises