The Very Greedy Bee 3/3
A project about The Very Greedy Bee by Steve Smallman and Jack Tickle, with a chant, a picture dictionary and 20 exercises.
Level: elementary
Age: 6-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 135
The very hungry caterpillar - Boardgame
A "snakes and ladders" game, adapted to the caterpillar. Bw included.
Level: elementary
Age: 4-9
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 448
The very hungry caterpillar flash-cards 1 of 2
29 words from the popular story by Eric Carle.
Level: elementary
Age: 5-10
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 328
The very hungry caterpillar flash-cards 2 of 2
29 words from the popula story by Eric Carle.
Level: elementary
Age: 4-10
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 304
These are the first 6 ws of 12 with vocabulary and exercices about the Wizard of Oz. Good for pupils 7-9 years old. Graphics from JD�s. Keys included. No colour version, sorry!!!
Script fo a play, flash cards and board game coming tomorrow.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 220
These are the last 6 ws of 12 with vocabulary and exercices about the Wizard of Oz. Good for pupils 7-9 years old. Graphics from JD�s. Keys included. No colour version, sorry!!!
Level: elementary
Age: 7-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 206
The Wizard of Oz - Script for a play
A simple script for a play in 6 short acts.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-11
Type: others
Downloads: 200
The Wizard of Oz Board Game - 4/4
A nice board game with The Wizard of Oz characters. Bw version included. Graphics by JD�S
Level: elementary
Age: 7-11
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 150
The Wizard of Oz flash-card - 3/4
20 flash-card linked to the 12 pages with exercices and vocabulary I uploaded yesterday. Enjoy! Graphics by JD�S.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-11
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 179
4 exercises about toys + colours, this/these and prepositions of place. Bw included.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 858
Meal Time
Listening and reading about meals, food and like/don�t like.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-100
Description with body, colours and opposites vocabulary.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-100
Musical instruments
Musical instruments basic vocabulary: recorder, piano, drums, guitar, trumpet, violin.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-100
My bedroom
Three exercises about bedroom furniture and toys.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-100
My body
Three exercises and a song about body parts.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-11
My face
Three exercises about face parts.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-11
Numbers & money
Listening, speaking and writing with 10p, 20p, 30p, 40p, 50p.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-100
Numbers 1-10
A song and two exercises for youn learners.
Level: elementary
Age: 6-9
Numbers 1-5
Listening, reading and writing about numbers from 1 to 5.
Level: elementary
Age: 6-9
Numbers 1-5
Simple exercises for young learners.
Level: elementary
Age: 6-9