Project 2 Unit 1 Test correction
This OE is to practice after Unit 1 test correcting mistakes.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100

Step Ahead 2, Module 7, self-check in test format
This test includes:
question words (how far? how long? What time? When?)
second forms of regular / irregular verbs
simple past (time expressions, guided writing)
shapes (+ -shaped, -shape)
every day mini-dialogues
means of transport (definitions)
numbers, dates (cardinal / ordinal)
weather f...
Level: elementary
Age: 11-100

Supposing in conditionals
When teaching conditionals, exercises for certain structures are difficult to find. This paraphrase exercise is aimed at one of these areas. Easy, short and managable. Can be extended.
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100

Visit to a national park
This is a B1 level informal e-mail about my midsummer visit to a national park. After each paragraph students find some grammatical help, but encourage them not to use them first, only for the concept check.
They can also write an informal e-mail about a similar visit for the next class.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100

Vowel sounds with pictograms 1
Based on New English File (OUP) vowel sounds chart this exercise helps students with memorising the right pronunciation of IPA symbols with easy pictograms.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100

Vowel sounds with pictograms 2
Based on New English File (OUP) vowel sounds chart this exercise helps students with memorising the right pronunciation of IPA symbols with easy pictograms.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100

Vowel sounds with pictograms 3
Based on New English File (OUP) vowel sounds chart this exercise helps students with memorising the right pronunciation of IPA symbols with easy pictograms.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100

Vowel sounds with pictograms 4
Based on New English File (OUP) vowel sounds chart this exercise helps students with memorising the right pronunciation of IPA symbols with easy pictograms.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100

Vowel sounds with pictograms 5
Based on New English File (OUP) vowel sounds chart this exercise helps students with memorising the right pronunciation of IPA symbols with easy pictograms.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100