Stand Alone Paragraph (RTL) Writing Template
This is a very applicable template for ELL students to use when trying to form their own arguments and iedas for a writing tasks that are in the form of opinions or essays in general.
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 8
Stand Alone Paragraph Peer Editing Checklist
This is a peer editing checklist for student use following the "two (2) before Teacher" rule (Technically its three before me). This is to help students learn and follow structured paragraph writing conventions
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 16
Standlalone Paragraph Structure Workshop (Rubric)
This is the rubric used to build the understanding of expectations and requirements for a standalone paragraph-this rubric is about the structure of the "mini-essay"
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Downloads: 6
Student Self-Eval Rubric_Class Participation and Sharing
This is a document for students to use as a reference as they participate in class to show themselves, the teacher and their parents their engagement levels within class.
Level: intermediate
Age: 5-100
Downloads: 13
Student Self-Eval Rubric_Project Version
This is designed for tourism practices and should be actually used for ANY projec that teachers want students to reflect and respond to in regaards to the process of their work.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 7
Themes Note-Taking Page_ASP
This is a note taking page in regards to themes, its editable. I purposed it for themes in a Grade 12 class about Jamacia Kincaid�s "A Small Place".
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-100
Downloads: 1