Mickey and Minnie
A Mickey and Minnie worksheet to practice present continuous...
The students look at the pictures and then write sentences about the activities using a list of given verbs.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 22
Another worksheet in "cut and paste" series...help father and mother pig to put the piglets in order(their names are the months of the year)...
Hope that you and your students will fun ...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 7
Nadia Comaneci - the mark of perfection
An interesting reading about our great champion, Romania�s symbol,Nadia Comaneci, the first gymnast ever to be scored with a 10 in an international competition. There are some activities aiming text comprehension.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: reading
Downloads: 25
On the 1st page students revise or learn nationalities, on the 2nd page there are 2 exercises to apply these knowledge.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 173
Inside Noah�s ark the animals lost their names and the students must match the pictures with the names.
Have fun!
Level: elementary
Age: 7-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 13
Parts of the body
A simple crossword puzzle to play with some body parts.
Level: elementary
Age: 6-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 16
Past simple
To learn or revise past simple using nice pictures to go with the verbs...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 156
A nice way to determine your students to learn the "dry" forms of irregular verbs...
Level: elementary
Age: 9-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 4
This is another fun way to learn the three forms of the irregular verbs..Students have to cut the fir-tree parts and then paste them into their note-books starting from the base form, then past simple form and the past participle form of the verbs.
I hope you and your students will love it!
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 17
Present continuous
Dealing with the present continuous.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 39