Guess Who! Disney Version (physical description, Yes/No questions, Be, Have got)
Project the game or give one sheet to each of your students. One student has to choose a character. The other students have to ask him yes/no questions in order to find who he is thinking of. Example: Is he tall? Yes, he is. Is she a brunette? No, she isn�t. Have fun! Hugs from France :)
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 103
Hobbies: What do you like doing? (Likes and dislikes)
Under each picture, the students have to write whether they enjoy/like/don�t like/dislike/hate the activity. E.g.: I Like reading / I hate cooking. Hugs from France!
[I will upload a Powerpoint that goes with it]
Level: elementary
Age: 8-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 132
I want to quit smoking ... Help me! - Reading Comprehension (present perfect, for, ago, used to)
The students have to read the internet forum and do the following activities: True or False / Grammar activity: present perfect, for, ago, used to / Find the English equivalents of the following words in the forum / �You are 42 years old. You have smoked for 15 years and you quit 3 years ago. Add a comment to the forum to talk about your experience...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 211
Idiomatic Expressions - Literal meaning vs metaphorical meaning
"In groups of 2 or 3 : Look at the following expressions and pictures. First, think about what they literally mean. Then, try to guess their metaphorical meanings and write them in the boxes. When you�re finished, write a funny story using at least 6 of these expressions." Key included. Hugs from France : )
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 97
If I was a rich girl (Gwen Stefani) - If clause + conditional
A great song to work on "if clause + conditional".
Hope it�s useful ; )
Hugs from France
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 165
Introduce yourself! (Ask and answer basic questions) Recap
I usually give that recap to my students after we�ve worked on the Powerpoint, they learn it at home and the next day, they have to write a dialogue (groups of 2) to use what they�ve just learnt and they present it to the class. Have fun!
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 162
Is your computer good for you? Quiz (pair work)
Each student questions his/her partner and writes his/her answers. Then, each students makes a diagnosis (with examples and advice), for instance: "you spend too much time on the internet, you are addicted! Moreover, you should be careful because you don�t surf safe etc ..." Hugs from France! ; )
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 299
I�m the best, hire me! (Qualities)
27 adjectives/expressions to say how great you are for a particular job. The students have to match the pictures and the sentences (they write the numbers in the circles and when they are sure everything is correct, they re-write the sentences under each picture). Have fun! Hugs from France ; )
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 385
Jobs (1/2) - Who do I need?
A fun activity about jobs. First, the students match the jobs�names and the pictures (worksheet 2/2). Then, they analyse the characters�problems (worksheet 1/2) and they have to say who the character needs. Example: �Ouch! My tooth ..� : �You need a dentist!�. They simply write the right number next to the right picture. I�m also posting the Power...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 298
Jobs (2/2) - You need a ... !
A fun activity about jobs. First, the students match the jobs�names and the pictures (worksheet 2/2). Then, they analyse the characters�problems (worksheet 1/2) and they have to say who the character needs. Example: �Ouch! My tooth ..� : �You need a dentist!�. They simply write the right number next to the right picture. I�m also posting the Power...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 271