This is the 2nd wss of a set of 3 (from upper-intermediate (1&2) to advanced level (3)) to revise or learn new words, which should be related in groups of three according to the semantic field they belong to. They should try and explain, afterwards, the common link among the words of the same team. They can be used as a whole or separately as a reg...
Level: intermediate
Age: 15-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 161
This is the last wss of a set of 3 (from upper-intermediate (1&2) to advanced level (3)) to revise or learn new words, which should be related in groups of three, according to the semantic field they belong to. They should try and explain, afterwards, the common link among the words of the same group. They can be used as a whole or separately as a ...
Level: advanced
Age: 16-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 160
A practice worksheet for upper-intermediate students. It consists of two parts: 1)Building words in context from different root words
2)An open exercise to get the ss infer new words derived from the same roots (by using prefixes, suffixes, compound words .......)
An answersheet for both parts is included.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 165