"Countries and nationalities (2)" - a 2-page-Reading comprehension for Elementary or Lower Intermediate students
I must confess again that I won�t need this worksheet this year! However, now that I started I have to finish my job. Reading activities: 1st ) Students start by reading the texts and fill in the gaps with the words in the bubble (nationalities, countries, languages...); 2nd) they fill in a table with information from the texts; 3rd) They answer 5 ...
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 880
"Countries and nationalities" (4th and Last one in the series) - Reading for Upper Elementary and Lower Intermediate students
This is the 4th, and last, of this series. When I get to use these 4 worksheets (I�ll post in the end the links to the others) I�ll do it like this not to get students bored:
Divide the class into 4 groups, each of them with a different worksheet. Give each group a transparency of the second page for them to write down their answers.In the end, e...
Level: elementary
Age: 11-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 654
"Countries and Nationalities" (n� 3 in a series of 4) - Reading comprehension for Upper Elementary and Lower Intermediate students
This is the 3rd of this series of 4. When I get to use them I�ll do it like this not to get students bored: Divide the class in 4 groups, each of them with a different worksheet. Give them a transparency of the second page for them to register their answers.In the ed, each group presents their work to the class. Meanwhile, the other students take n...
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 610
"Do or Make" - Common Uses: Practice
Now that the students have learnt some expressions we do and make (http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=438467#thetop), it�s time to practise and expand their knowledge. 4 exercises with different levels of complexity - matching, crossing the wrong verb out, dialogue completing, and matching the expressions that best suit each sentence. KE...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 635
"Do or Make?" - Common Uses
Students read the general rule, look at the images, choose a word/expression from the bubble and add a verb: do or make. Very simple but effective, I believe. KEY included. Thank you so much for your wonderful comments on my work. I really appreciate them all. Have a great Wednesday. Hugs, mena:))
Level: advanced
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 510
"Do you have good manners?" QUIZ for elementary and lower intermediate students.
Students do the quiz to find out if they have good manners or not. This hand-out can be used for cultural awareness on how people behave in everyday situations.Please do check the score, because, for example, if you are in Japan or China I believe it is polite to bow when you meet someone for the first time. If it is so, the answer would have 3 poi...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 630
"Donna Karen" - Reading Comprehension Test on Fashion
The test can be for 7th/8th graders and it includes:vocabulary exercise to check if students are able to infer meaning through the context; multiple choice exercise and answering questions to check reading comprehension.In the end, students reflect on their reading process. Hope you like it! :))
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 297
"Englishes" - Another Reading/ Writing Test on "The World of many Languages" for 10th graders
Reading activities: vocabulary exercise plus references; T/F with quotations from the text and sentence completing. Vocabulary exercise on the topic. Writing about the role of English in today�s society. Hope you find it interesting! Notice, the text has been taken from a text book, but I can�t remember the name.:))) P.S. Updated on February 7th, 2...
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 335
"Generation M - The Multi-Tasking Generation" - Reading Progress Test for Upper Intermediate students
This is the summative test my students (5 years of English)did on the topic Teens and New Technologies. After reading the text, students do a multiple choice exercise on the meaning of some expressions from the text, then they do a T/F exercise justifying all their answers with quotations from the text, answer some questions and find some reference...
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 912
"Going to the Ice-Cream Store" - Prepositions of Place: IN / ON / AT
4 different exercises with an increasing level of complexity, but all very simple. KEY included. 1- matching halves to complete sentences; 2- sentence completing with in, on or at; 3- completing a dialogue; 4- students ask the given questions to their partner and write down the answers. Wish you all a wonderful Sunday. And thank you so much for you...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 602