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English worksheets  > contributions by mena22


The author

Filomena Semi�o

Hi! I joined this site 16 months ago and I m loving it! I m not easily impressed, but I ve seen such good (and beautiful!!!) work here. What impresses me most though is the companionship,the friendliness I can see here everyday and, ultimately, this great sense of belonging to a very, very special group. Thank you Victor! Thank you all for that! :))*

Points: 652740


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Online exercises

Reported Speech - Questions
Students read the questions (about a conference on teens and alcohol addiction) and rewrite them in the reported speech. KEY Included. Wish you all a wonderful Friday (at last!)! Hugs, mena:)))
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 1032

Reported Speech - Statements (Context: Addictions)
You can use this worksheet after the reading activity on the same topic - "Could Amy Winehouse have been saved?":http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=563101#thetop Students read the statements and rewrite them in the reported speech. KEY Included. Wish you all a wonderful Wednesday. Hugs, mena:)))
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 407

Reported Speech - Statements and Questions
Students read the statements and questions (context - the mass media - from different articles on the Net) and report them. KEY INCLUDED. Wish you all a wonderful Friday (at last!)! Hugs, mena:)))
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 405

Reported Speech (Context: Young People in the Global village - Rap muusic)
This is a worksheet I�ve done intergrated in a 10-lesson Task for 10th graders. After being introduced to the Topic( see worksheet Rap Styles that I transformed into a Reading Comprehension Test- http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=123717#thetop )students now have to match the lyrics of the songs to the singers/bands and then report them...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 72

Reported Speech - Statements
Students read the statements (a conference on teens and addictions) and rewrite them in the reported speech. KEY Included. Wish you all a wonderful Friday (at last!)! Hugs, mena:)))
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 551

Reported Speech - Statements
Some exercises for students to solve. Identifying and correcting mistakes + sentence completing - first with say, tell or speak and then reporting sentences. :))
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 288

Reported Speech III - Statements with MODAL Auxiliaries
Now the focus is on Modals and reporting gets a little bit more difficult (Higher Intermediate or Advanced). That�s why I�ve decided to include the basic rules first (No inference, just to review). Exercise A is easier - crossing the wrong one out and in B students must report what other people have said. KEY included! Hope you are enjoying my set ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 265

Reviewing Basic Grammar Points series (5) - Basic linking words: and or but;/ because or when/ after or before / because or because of / both (of) / not only...but also
This is a worksheet i�ve just finished for my 13-year-old students because they need to use more connectors in their writing activities. I chose the basic ones for now. 2 pages with 6 different exercises. KEY INCLUDED. Carnival is over. :(( The Portuguese go back to school tomorrow! Have a nice evening/ day!
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 757

Reviewing Basic Grammar Points series (7) - The Simple Present (all forms)
Students practse the Simple Present. KEY included. Exercise 1 - affirmative form: filling in the gaps (different verb endings, e.g. try-tries/ enjoy/enjoys...); exercise 2 - negative form, rewriting; exercise 3 - interrogative form + wh questions:L asking questions; exercise 4: all forms, building up sentences from prompts. Wish you all a nice ev...
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 281

Reviewing Basic Grammar Points series (8) - Present Simple and Present continuous (all forms)
It�s been a long time since I uploaded a worksheet on this series. Students solve 4 different exercises ( 2 PAGES + KEY): first they fill in the gaps to complete a short text and then they make some sentences negative. They ask questions (Yes/no + Wh-) and finally they build sentences from prompts. Tomorrow many of us go back to school. Wish you al...
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 1390


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