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English worksheets  > contributions by falafel


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Online exercises

Environmental Problems.(Mid Term2 Test 9th form)2parts: Listening+Language+Key+Link
A listening passage about Recycling with some related questions/ Language part: 4 tasks . The first is to circle the correct alternative and it is related to Smoking/ The second is to match parts of sentences together related to endangered animals/ The third is about completing a gapped text with some words related to pollution / The last task is a...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-15
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 678

Environmental problems:(Mid Term Test N� 2 9th form) 2 Parts: Listening + Language+Key+Link
A listening passage about pollution with some related questions/ Language part: 4 tasks . The first is to circle the correct alternative and it is related to Noise pollution/ The second is to match parts of sentences together related to Rainforest/ The third is about complete a gapped text with some words related to smoking / The last task is about...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-15
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 863

Environmental Problems:(Mid Term2 9th form): 2Parts: Listening+Language+Key+Link.
A Listening passage about Noise Pollution with some related questions. 4 tasks of Language: The first is related to how to be healthy(Complete with words from the list). The second is about air pollution(match parts of Sces to make a Paragraph). The third is about smoking (Circle the correct alternative)and the last is about the Rainforest:(matchi...
Level: elementary
Age: 12-15
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 293

Expressing certainty and uncertainty(+ Key)
Pupils have first to choose the corre ct from the list, then match each sentence with a picture. In task two, they have to complete with the correct expression from the list.
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 709

Expressing Like and Dislike
Look at the rules and the expressions we use to express like or dislike or indifference . Then use the words and the pictures to make sentences.
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 167

Facebook and other services(End Term2 Test9th form) 3�Parts: Reading Comprehension+Language+Writing+Key
A reading passage about facebook addiction adapted from this site with some related questions that I have made myself with some related questions/ Some language tasks the first is to circle the correct alternative about a postcard from Spain- Second a task matching senteces parts together about booking a ticket -Third is to complete with words from...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-16
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 530

Family Life (Mid Term1 Test 9th form): 2 Parts: Listening+Link+Language+Key
Alistening passage about Housework with some related questions. 4Language tasks. The first is to circle the correct alternative related to pocket money/The 2nd is to match parts of sentence parts together related to the husband role at home/The 3rd is to complete with words from a list related to family relationship/The 4th is about family relation...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-16
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 553

Family Life(Mid Term 1Test 9th form) 2parts: Listening+Link+Language+Key
A listening passage about Quarrelling with some related questions. 4Language tasks. The first is to circle the correct alternative related to a naughty daughter/The 2nd is to match sentence parts together related to children safety/The 3rd is to complete with words from a list related to pocket money and parents/The 4th is about housework and pupil...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-16
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 382

Family Life(Mid Term1 Test 9th form)2parts: Listening+Link+Language+Key.
A listening passage about Mothers with some related questions. 4Language tasks. The first is to circle the correct alternative related to a naughty daughter/The 2nd is to match sentence parts together related to pocket money/The 3rd is to complete with words from a list related to generation gap/The 4th is about Home safety and pupils have to compl...
Level: elementary
Age: 12-15
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 443

Family Life(Mid Term1 Test9th form)2 parts: Listening+Link+language+Key.
A listening passage about Parents with some related questions. 4Language tasks. The first is to circle the correct alternative related to relations between sisters/The 2nd is to match sentence parts together related to pocket money/The 3rd is to complete with words from a list related to son father relationship/The 4th is about Home safety and pup...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-16
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 329


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