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English worksheets  > contributions by Matthew@ELSP


The author

Matthew Standley

I live and teach in Japan. I hope you find my print-outs useful. Have a good day :)

Points: 6874


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Online exercises

I like sports
I use this with 11 year old Japanese kids. I suggest you use this with my A3 sized Disney sports flashcards (images are from a Disney fan-site for non-profit use). We do "I like - " / "Do you like - "? / Yes I do / No I don�t. I fully appreciate the English only rule, but I ask you to delete the small amount of Japanese at the bottom (if you do no...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 51

I my me mine / You your you yours (subject pronoun / possessive / object pronoun) simple starter
Simple starter for.... I my me mine / You you you yours / He his him his / she her her hers / Jon Jon�s Jon Jon�s etc etc.... (1) Ss do example sentences with the teacher looking at the pics (2) Ss review the rules (3) Ss do a page of fill-the-gaps exercises (4) each team (or each student if you like) gets 12 small cards with which to make 6 senten...
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 24

I play___ / I do___ / I ski
Learn to choose the verb: I do / I play / I simple verb>. A3 black and white. Change your printer setting for an A4 version. Words: I play soccer/football; I do kendo; I surf; I play golf, I play basketball; I swim; I ski; I do karate; I run; I play tennis.
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 31

I should have done less work ( regret / advice )
Regret - past action. I should (not) have... / I wish I had (not)... / I regret __ing. Page 1: Review of sentence patterns and verb changes. Pages 2: [1] Your partner regrets something. Give some advice. [2] You regret something. Tell your partner. Page 3: Make a conversation about your regrets. Includes: Answer sheet with hints. Model answer sheet...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 15

I use a computer to play games
Using "I [verb] to [verb]" - Example: I [use a computer] to [play games]. __ (1) All Ss do the conversation after/with the teacher (2) Ss do simple fill-the-gaps 6 sentences (3) Ss draw a line to connect two sentence halves 5 sentences (4) Ss do 2nd short model conversation with the teacher to prepare for a Ss~Ss activity, then they move around ask...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 20

I use a Playstation TO play games (purpose, objective) pre-intermediate
(1) Teacher + Ss read 2 conversations to intro� the subject. (2) Ss do a 4-sentence gap-fill. (3) Ss do a 4-sentence draw-a-line activity to make meaningful sentences. (4) Ss write-out the 4 sentences that they made by drawing a line. (5) Ss interview one another and fill in their sheets after they listen to what their friends do at the weekend. Ea...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 32

I wanted to join the army (upper-intermediate/advanced)
Reading with questions and model asnwers sheet. Upper-intermediate / advanced grammar e.g. counter factual in the past. My personal account. When I was young, I wanted to join the army, but I did not join. Please enjoy. Made for ESLP - too advanced for my students. A4. B&W. Editable. Please enjoy.
Level: advanced
Age: 15-100
Type: reading
Downloads: 52

I was listening to music on my iPod (past continuous) Lower Intermediate
This is a made-up story using lots of [past continuous]. Very little other grammar. Also includes past simple. _________________________________________________________________ [1] Reading page / [2] questions + answers page / [3] Teacher�s page / [4] short activity with grammar prompt, where Ss ask one-another "What were you doing at 7 o�clock"? a...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: reading
Downloads: 55

I will / I am going to... (pre-intermediate)
(1) Teacher intro�s [will] vs [going to] with 2 short conversations on an identical theme / Ss read with the teacher. (2) Teacher uses the pictures (diagrams) to help explain the difference. (3) Ss do a short gap-fill. (4) Ss re-arrange words to complete sentences. (5) Ss use options to complete and then practice a guided conversation (example incl...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 80

I will go to Europe - He said he would go to Europe (reported speech) lower intermediate
Full suggested instructions on teacher�s page. Summary here: (p1) Ss read original and reported conversation. (p2) Ss look at sentence excerpts and grammar focus. (p3) Ss try to change direct speech into reported speech and then ask their classmates questions whose answers they then change into simple reported speech. (p4) teacher�s page. _________...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Type: reading
Downloads: 15


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