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English worksheets  > contributions by strawberry87


The author


Korea, South

Points: 43


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Online exercises

Alphabet tracing Aa-Ii
Tracing letters Aa - Ii in "dash print" font.
Level: elementary
Age: 4-6
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 10

Shapes Worksheet: Trace & count
Students must trace each shape with a different color. Then count how many there are of each shape. Practice writing the shape names.
Level: elementary
Age: 4-8
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 16

Where are you from? Flick Game
Flick game to practice asking and answering "Where are you from?" 2 students per board. S1 flicks a coin or placeholder from the circle at the bottom, onto the board. Practice the dialog: S2: "Where are you from?" S1: I�m from _____." (use the picture in that block to answer) If the student can answer correctly, he/she can get the points alloca...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-9
Type: others
Downloads: 17


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