A board game to practice the past simple tense - version 1
A fun board game - making excuses for being late meeting a friend, who has been waiting for several hours.
All the verbs in the game cards are in the present simple tense, in order to make the excuse, the correct past simple tense must be used.
Depending on their level, students can add little stories when making their excuses.
Level: intermediate
Age: 16-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 92
A board game to practice the past simple tense - version 2
A variation of my past tense board game, this time aimed at school-aged kids - making excuses for not handing in homework. All the verbs in the game cards are in the present simple tense, in order to make the excuse, the correct past simple tense must be used. Depending on their level, students can add little stories when making their excuses.
Level: intermediate
Age: 6-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 47
A complete reading lesson about Hong Kong�s pink dolphins
An interesting reading lesson about Hong Kong�s pink dolphins. I included pre and post-reading discussion points, a pre-reading vocabulary quiz and comprehension questions.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 11
A fun board game about making complaints and responding to complaints, loosely based on the comedy series Fawlty Towers
I used this game as a speaking activity after watching Fawlty Towers� �Waldorf Salad". While watching the students had to fill in a chart about who complains, to whom, why, and whether the problem was solved.
The game contains two A4 sheets (to be connected together as one board), one set of complaint cards and one set of response cards.
The stud...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Type: others
Downloads: 21
A listening or reading lesson about fear
This is a 45 minute listening or reading lesson about fear. I included the script (I recorded my husband reading it for a listening lesson, but it can easily be used be used for a reading lesson as well).
The lesson has pre task and after task discussion points as well as a grammar exercise about adjectives that describe fear and how they are used...
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 36
A reading lesson about cheating in exams
The text is an article from The Daily Telegraph (August 2013) about widespread cheating during the National University Entrance Exam (gao kao) in China.
I included pre-reading discussion points, a pre-reading exercise, gist and detail questions as well as an after reading discussion.
My class enjoyed it very much (I had my husband reading it to t...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 35
A reading worksheet based on a recent Guardian arcticle
To make this worksheet, I used a recent Guardian article about a London hairdresser using the North Korean leader�s picture for an ad campaign. The article contains quite a number of wonderful adjectives. Students should use their own words to explain the meaning of the underlined vocabulary (11 adjectives and 1 noun).
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 38
A writing lesson - write a sandwich recipe
This is a complete writing lesson (45 min), with model text, pre-writing task and discussion points.
In the grammar part of the lesson I elicited the imperative as well as the order of sequence words.
I actually baked blueberry muffins for the students and handed them out later on. The model text is a scaled down version of a recipe (including am...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 99
Activity Cards and Role Play Game - Crime and Justice 1
A Crime and Justice game the whole class can participate in. It includes Activity Cards with 8 different crimes and the rules how to play the game. My advanced class enjoyed this activity enormously.
Each activity card contains a different crime. Lawyers should introduce their clients, present their cases and plead with the jury for leniency, tryi...
Level: advanced
Age: 12-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 111
Activity Cards and Role Play Game: Crime and Justice 2
The second version of my Crime and Justice game. The whole class can participate in it. It includes Activity Cards with 8 different crimes and the rules how to play the game. My advanced class enjoyed this activity enormously. Each activity card contains a different crime. Lawyers should introduce their clients, present their cases and plead with t...
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 44
Age Idioms 1
The next one in my idiom series, this is a power point presentation of 29 age related idioms. I let my students guess and figure out the meaning, before I give them the definition - then they have to use the idiom to make sentences. This can be done as a game or competition. Enjoy! Due to file size ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 70
Age Idioms 2
The next one in my idiom series, this is a power point presentation of 29 age related idioms. I let my students guess and figure out the meaning, before I give them the definition - then they have to use the idiom to make sentences. This can be done as a game or competition. Enjoy! Due to file size ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 66
Age Idioms 3
The next one in my idiom series, this is a power point presentation of 29 age related idioms. I let my students guess and figure out the meaning, before I give them the definition - then they have to use the idiom to make sentences. This can be done as a game or competition. Enjoy! Due to file size ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 65
Animal Idioms 1
The next one in my idiom series, this is a power point presentation of 30 animal related idioms. I let my students guess and figure out the meaning, before I give them the definition - then they have to use the idiom to make sentences. This can be done as a game or competition. Enjoy! Due to file si...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 87
Animal Idioms 2
The next one in my idiom series, this is a power point presentation of 30 animal related idioms. I let my students guess and figure out the meaning, before I give them the definition - then they have to use the idiom to make sentences. This can be done as a game or competition. Enjoy! Due to file si...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 85
Animal Idioms 3
The next one in my idiom series, this is a power point presentation of 30 animal related idioms. I let my students guess and figure out the meaning, before I give them the definition - then they have to use the idiom to make sentences. This can be done as a game or competition. Enjoy! Due to file si...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 79
Body Idioms 1
The next one in my idiom series, this is a power point presentation of 31 body related idioms. I let my students guess and figure out the meaning, before I give them the definition - then they have to use the idiom to make sentences. This can be done as a game or competition. Enjoy!
Due to file si...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 120
Body Idioms 2
The next one in my idiom series, this is a power point presentation of 31 body related idioms. I let my students guess and figure out the meaning, before I give them the definition - then they have to use the idiom to make sentences. This can be done as a game or competition. Enjoy! Due to file size...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 102
Body Idioms 3
The next one in my idiom series, this is a power point presentation of 31 body related idioms. I let my students guess and figure out the meaning, before I give them the definition - then they have to use the idiom to make sentences. This can be done as a game or competition. Enjoy!
Due to file si...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 96
Business Idioms 1
The next one in my idiom series, this is a power point presentation of 38 business/work related idioms. I let my students guess and figure out the meaning, before I give them the definition - then they have to use the idiom to make sentences. This can be done as a game or competition. Enjoy!
Due t...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 140