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English worksheets  > contributions by ShawnT


The author


Hong Kong

Points: 44


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Online exercises

What�s in your bed?
A simple activity where primary students can practice the sentence "I have...". They should also draw pictures onto the bed to make it more fun.
Level: elementary
Age: 3-7
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 2


Find the Treasure! Phonics Blending game
Similar to the boardgame battleship! Split the class into two teams. Pick three or more areas to put the treasure, but don�t tell the students where you put them. Have each team say the blend and �X� any missed guesses and �checkmark� the correct ones. Team with the most treasure wins!

Level: elementary
Age: 5-100
Downloads: 40

Simple Adjs- Hard, Soft, Round, Square
Powerpoint that first introduces many pictures that associate with hard, soft, round or square as adjectives. Second part, is a quick game that makes the class choose between two adjectives.

Level: elementary
Age: 3-6
Downloads: 2

Found 0 online exercises