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English worksheets  > contributions by bestsofever


The author


Korea, South

Points: 11


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Online exercises

Hoodwinked Character compare
Students must think about the original Red riding hood that they know and make a spider diagram jotting down all the things they can think of that happens in the story, plot, characters, setting, etc. Then students must compare the original little red riding hood and Red Puckett from the movie Hoodwinked (after watching)- finding ways that they ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-15
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 4


Country mouse City mouse
The learners are told the story of Country mouse and City mouse. Then we read through the storyboard together, discussing which part of speech fits best in the space. Learners then take time filling in the blanks with a word they think is fitting. The last thing - the learners must change the end...

Level: intermediate
Age: 13-15
Downloads: 7

Found 0 online exercises