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English worksheets  > contributions by Antonio Oliver


The author

Antonio Oliver


teaching English in Spain

Points: 9489


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Online exercises

-ED sounds UNO game cards
Designed to make your students learn about -ED endings and pronounce them correctly. Instructions on last page.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 26

4 ways to say it - active & passive
Active-to-passive 2-object sentence transformation
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 46

4 ways to say it - possibility
Structural conversion oral practice: rephrasing sentences with MAY, COULD, LIKELY, POSSIBLE, etc
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 52

4 ways to say it - preferences
Structural conversion oral practice: rephrasing sentences with PREFER, LIKE...BETTER, WOULD RATHER, etc. Tricky!
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 40

4 ways to say it - Present Perfect
Structural conversion oral practice: rephrasing Present Perfect with FOR & SINCE as opposed to Past Simple with AGO
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 57

4 ways to say it - purpose
Structural conversion oral practice: rephrasing sentences with TO, SO AS TO, SO THAT, FOR, etc
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 50

4 weddings and a funeral - opening scenes
Word families & vocabulary practice via the famous sequence with Rowan Atkinson. Topic: weddings. Fun!
Level: advanced
Age: 10-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 27

AᗺBA - The winner takes it all
I couldn�t get this song out of my head. Thank you Shumi3 for motivating me to get round to it.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 42

A1 board game
I used the High Five # 2 syllabus (MacMillan) as a checklist for all the questions. Printed this in 2 A4 sheets and held them together with adhesive tape. I gave 1 point for a good answer, 2 for the extra questions. In that way one team may win the game but the other may total more points. My students quite enjoyed the competition.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100
Type: others
Downloads: 56

A2 board game
I used the High Five # 5 syllabus (MacMillan) as a checklist for all the questions. Printed this in 2 A4 sheets and held them together with adhesive tape. I gave 1 point for a good answer, 2 for the extra questions. In that way one team may win the game but the other may total more points. My students quite enjoyed the competition.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100
Type: others
Downloads: 57


12 vowel sounds
Volume up please!

Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 39

class management tips
Especially for those of you teaching young ESL students

Level: advanced
Age: 18-100
Downloads: 0

ED sounds
The rules for ED pronunciation with video samples by Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry & Coldplay

Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 41

hard to say
An assortment of phrases with pronunciation problems: S+T/D, TION, CIAL, V, Y... Students just listen and repeat, teacher corrects & insists on the most difficult ones

Level: advanced
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 19

Harry Potter What�s the question? game -1 of 4
2 teams play. 50 points are granted for every question that matches the answer given, and the team can either open Harry�s bag and pass the turn, or go on to next slide. If the question given is not correct, the other team plays. Difficulty increases as we move from basic TO BE & TO HAVE sentences o...

Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 30

Harry Potter What�s the question? game -2 of 4
2 teams try to give valid questions for each answer, they get 50 points if correct and can either open Harry�s bag or move on to next slide. If wrong, the turn passes to the other team. Starting with basic name, age & nationality questions, the difficulty increases: present simple (routines) & a qui...

Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 36

Harry Potter What�s the question? game -3 of 4
2 teams compete. By producing valid questions for the answers provided, they get 50 points and can either open Harry�s bag or try next slide. If not, the turn passes to the other team. Starting with basic things like name, age & nationality, the difficulty increases as we move onto present simple fo...

Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 29

Harry Potter What�s the question? game -4 of 4
2 teams play. By producing valid questions for each answer, they get 50 points and can either open Harry�s bag or try next slide. If not, the other team goes on. Starting with basic things like name, age & nationality, the difficulty increases as we move onto present simple (fequency) & a glimpse at...

Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 31

Hong Kong True or False contest - 1 of 3
2 teams play. Each answers a True/False question about Hong Kong. If correct, they get 50 points and can either move on to next question or open the Fortune Cookie, but careful -there could be good or bad news inside!

Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 25

Hong Kong True or False contest - 2 of 3
2 teams play. Each answers a True/False question about Hong Kong. If correct, they get 50 points and can either move on to next question or open the Fortune Cookie, but careful -there could be good or bad news inside!

Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 23

Advanced level multiple choice test 10
USED TO, SHALL & WILL, infinitive/gerund collocations, prepositions,conditionals

Level: advanced
Age: 10-100

Advanced level multiple choice test 2
be used to, so & such, passive voice, reported speech, special difficulties

Level: advanced
Age: 10-100

Advanced level multiple choice test 3
uncountables, modals, tense correlation, compund adjectives, WHAT...! vs HOW...!

Level: advanced
Age: 10-100

Advanced level multiple choice test 4
(be/get/-) used to, relatives, prepositions, tenses, collocations

Level: advanced
Age: 10-100

Advanced level multiple choice test 5
progressive comparative, passive voice, word order, collocations

Level: advanced
Age: 10-100

Advanced level multiple choice test 6
so & such, had better & would rather, verb+prepo collocations, impersonal passive, special difficulties

Level: advanced
Age: 10-100

Advanced level multiple choice test 7
relatives, passive, infintive/gerund collocations, phrasal verbs, double comparative

Level: advanced
Age: 10-100

Advanced level multiple choice test 8
infinitive/gerund collocations, conditionals, phrasals, USED TO+ING

Level: advanced
Age: 10-100

Advanced level multiple choice test 9
subject questions, Word order, words often confused, MAKE vs DO, special dicciculties

Level: advanced
Age: 10-100

Basic level multiple choice test
20 multiple choice questions: basic tenses, tag questions, pronouns...

Level: elementary
Age: 10-100