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English worksheets  > contributions by carolgm22


The author

Carolina Manoel

Points: 5


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Online exercises

Love song
Well, first a class discussion about love and about �being in love� can be held, taking a look at the questions written on the worksheet, and then the teacher can play the song and the students fill in the gaps!I prepared this activity to add it to a reading activity that the book already offered, which also talked about love. This is the first par...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 2

Love song-part 2
This is the other song I�ve chosen to the activity about love that I uploaded before. The students are supposed to reorganise the sentences, which are conditional sentences, a topic they have previous studied, and also discuss about the song. At the end of the activity I ask them to write down the if-clauses they can find in the song.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 3


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