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English worksheets  > contributions by joannajs


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Online exercises

CAE Advanced grammar auction
Another way to revise some tenses, gerunds and infinitives (mainly) in a fun way with your CAE group. Initially designed for Complete Advanced coursebook in mind. Gambling rules ;-D
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Type: others
Downloads: 41

Cambridge PET / Preliminary transformations ALL TYPES
Dear All preparing your students for PET, I�m saving you LOADS of work ;-) Before you are ALL types of transformations found at PET with key (10 pages of it). If your students do the task successfully, they will definitely feel well prepared for the test. You may also assign it for homework and test later in class. Your pick :-)
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 181

Cheerleading - the most dangerous sport documentary
Puzzling documentary which suggests that cheerleading is the most dangerous sport for women. Complements any unit related to sports.
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 17

Here is another movie handout (link to trailer of the newest Star Wars saga included) that will help you practice these super exciting conditionals 0,1,2 to your students. Firs some really short reading and elliciting, then watching and speaking and finally the conditionals. Everything with a key - just in case if you aren�t exactly a Star Wars exp...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 69

Here is a more fun activity to review and practice FCE Use of English (it was created with the coursebook Ready for FCE in mind but can be used for any other). Distibute handouts with 20 questions and divide your class in pairs/small groups so that they feel safe and eventually, ask them to bid on sentences they think they can do. If they answer co...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 65

FCE/CAE writing checklist
Despite my efforts my students come up with bland writing. I give them models, lists of vocabulary to use and so far the results are moderate. So I created this checklist for them. A simple system of ticks should give them an idea of what I and an examiner are looking for in their writing. If it�s not there, the grade is not going to thrill. As sim...
Level: advanced
Age: 15-100
Type: others
Downloads: 28

Finally, it�s here. Your lifesaver. 3 pages of various flashcard games ideas which you can play with your younger students. Some are the ideas of my colleagues, some mine. All tried and tested in the minefield, though honestly I rarely teach such young learners who enjoy TPR. So will you in your work :-D
Level: elementary
Age: 3-12
Type: others
Downloads: 58

Frasier matchmaking game
Originally designed for a CAE group to encourage them to write a plan for a letter of complaint. Apart from this you will also find an exciting word formation exercise and viewing for detail ;-) The link to youtube included and so is the key. Enjoy!
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 11

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows The Tale of the Three Brothers
This is a worksheet that uses The Tale of the Three Brothers as a model for creating student�s own stories. Tips on writing included. So is the youtube link to the movie fragment and comprehension questions. Enjoy as always :-)
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 37

Hitch movie worksheet
A fun way to look at people desperate for a relationship and others desperate to master the language of advice and description for FCE ;-) And a grat movie, too. Suitable for B2 levels.
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 38


Hi again! This time it�s gerunds and infinitives on the menu, I used it to practice with a CAE group. It�s the Bomb game, so divide your group into teams, explain that they�ll have to put in gerunds or infinitives (sometimes bare) in the gaps and if they are successful something is going to pop up -...

Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 63

Past Simple Mystery Box
Team game to consolidate Past Simple. Divide the class into any number of groups you want. Students of a team answer one question. If the answer is correct, they get 20 points. Then they must decide whether to open the mystery box (then they are not getting the 20 points), stay with the points they ...

Level: elementary
Age: 12-16
Downloads: 106

After you have laboriously taught them narrative past tenses (Past Simple/Continuous, Past Perfect/Continuous plus Present Perfect/Continuous), it�s time for some fun practice! Animation and sound included, so are the answers if you click on the slide again. Instructions are provided in the first sl...

Level: intermediate
Age: 13-100
Downloads: 47

Here is PART 2 of the game, you just have to download both and put the presentation back together. The game practices PAST TENSES and PRESENT PERFECT in a fun way, the aim is to clear a plot from a mole by inserting the correct verb form. Answers, instructions, animation and sound included. Too b...

Level: intermediate
Age: 13-100
Downloads: 34

If you are - like me - teaching these plurals (and spelling rules) again to beginners, this presentation will help you out there in the practice stage. Rules to review at first, examples next. Hope you like it :-) Clicking the right clue will make the answer show up under the picture.

Level: elementary
Age: 5-12
Downloads: 74

Present Continuous with future meaning and Present Simple Football Game
Here is a game for Present Continuous for future arrangements v. Present Simple. You click on the name of the footballer and it takes you to the question, the arrow at the bottom will take you back to the first page. Clicking on crosses (bad answer) or ticks (good one) will show points. Play in two ...

Level: elementary
Age: 10-15
Downloads: 49

THAT�S ENTERTAINMENT! TV shows and films vocabulary :-)
The exercise contains pictures and puzzles to review vocabulary related to TV and movie industry. Double click on the right clue and the answer will appear under the picture. Best to everyone and special thanx to Latvija for the template :-)

Level: elementary
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 69

The Oscars quiz
The Oscar night is over, so why don�t you discuss the awards with your students? Some facts plus a short trivia with a link to Coco - a cartoon which won the Oscar this year. Have fun!

Level: intermediate
Age: 10-15
Downloads: 43

To be going to and Present Continuous bomb game Part 1
Forever grateful to foreverjinxed for the template ;-) Yes, you�ve encounteres these two in one of the cousebooks and are missing a fun exercise to practise? I give you plenty of examples for Present Continuous and to be going to, ideally to be played in teams with you keeping the score. To have ...

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Downloads: 46

To be going to and Present Continuous bomb game Part 2
That�s the follow up to P1 of the game with the same title. Enjoy:-)

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Downloads: 31

"To be" in Present Simple
Here is another exercise to share: the verb "to be" in relatively easy sentences (affirmative, negative and questions) in the game context. Have fun, both of you - teachers and students ;-)

Level: elementary
Age: 9-100

-ed and -ing adjectives practice
Hi again, Well, it�s this time of year again to practice -ing and -ed adjectives (interested/interesting). Hope you find it equally useful as I did when I created it ;-) The vocabulary and topics are generally suitable for teenagers or adults, overall intermediate level. Enjoy!

Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100

Advanced collocations game CAE level
This is a review game for collocations with nouns and adjectives. Definitely for advanced students, like the ones preparing for CAE / Cambridge Advanced. Actually, the game is supposed to complement unit 1 of Ready for CAE. This way you practice vocabulary like: major/daunting challenge, total/dism...

Level: advanced
Age: 14-100

Advanced collocations game CAE level working version
This is a review game for collocations with nouns and adjectives. Definitely for advanced students, like the ones preparing for CAE / Cambridge Advanced. Actually, the game is supposed to complement unit 1 of Ready for CAE. This way you practice vocabulary like: major/daunting challenge, total/disma...

Level: advanced
Age: 14-100

Clothes vocabulary hangman
Perhaps a warm-up for your class devoted to describing people or just a practice exercise for A1 students? Enjoy :-)

Level: elementary
Age: 6-100

Comparatives and superlatives in a fun way. Enjoy!

Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100

Conditional 1 and 2 review game! Fastest finger - let the best man/woman win the virtual bucks ;-) The game practises the aforementioned conditionals initially in affirmative sentences, then in questions. Always a part of the sentence with a verb is given to make it a bit easier.

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100

Conditional 1 and 2 review game! Fastest finger - let the best man/woman win the virtual bucks ;-) The game practises the aforementioned conditionals initially in affirmative sentences, then in questions. Always a part of the sentence with a verb is given to make it a bit easier. This game works!

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100

Countables and uncountables with much, many, some, any and lots game
Countables and uncountables again! After all the drills you did and the fill the blank worksheets and gazillions of exercises - the students are ready for something else to consolidate their knowledge of (how) much/many, some/any/a/lots of. Why not this one?

Level: elementary
Age: 9-100

Activate these future expressions with the advanced students! Give them your tired : bound to, on the point to, about to, due to, is to etc. Spice these up with some future tenses and voila... Use and enjoy!

Level: advanced
Age: 14-100