special days - test step 18 - Presidents´ Day
http://www.eslprintables.com/vocabulary_worksheets/school/special_days_step_18_405527/#thetop : here is the link to the document it matches.
I would like to meet the President of the States, please.
But first you have to answer a little questions about their Day and history.
good luck.
Level: advanced
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 10
(Un)healthy eating habits. Written and oral exercise.
Here are 2 short articles about eating habits. You can use them to discuss about the different world eating habits. I have prepared only questions for oral exercises but of course you can ask the students to prepare written questions for their classmates. Good work !
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 36
10 ideas of plots for playscripts, short stories, written exercises
Are you looking for ideas about a playscript ? For class work ? Are you going to check if a tense or a point grammar is understood ? Do you want your students to write a short story ? This worksheet gives you 10 different ideas of starts : you can be a detective (Easter Bunny was stolen his brushes and you´re Tony the detective whose help he asked ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 102
127 jobs in alphabetical order and exercises- part 1/2 of the file
this 1st part is like a dictionary of jobs. The students have to understand all these words and explain them. The 2nd part will be more than 200 jobs classified by field. Good work !
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 85
24 Christmas riddles (or memory game)
Here are 24 Christmas riddles. The cards can be cut and become a memory game if you prefer. Just for fun !
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 129
28 pictures about household chores at the present confinuous
Here are 28 cards about household chores. There is a sentence at the present continuous for each. You can use them as flashcards or make a mini book. I have added 3 exercises : 28 definitions to match each picture. Then a Right or Wrong (12 sentences) and finally 5 sentences to be turned into others with given elements - the used tenses are simple ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 43
2nd part of the games with letters and words in Disney world.
as my file was not downloaded complete you will find here the 2nd part and end of it. Good fun.
Level: elementary
Age: 5-9
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 4
3 exercises (match, answer and draw)
This is a test to check the understanding of simple sentences with a match exercise, then there is to answer some questions about the same pictures and finally a bonus with a funny drawing (3 feelings). Key provided. Good work !
Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Downloads: 3
3 more Christmas games - level 2 - : dominoes, memory game and bingo.
First of all I had to scan my pictures due to the original overweight. Then I gather here 3 different types of games ; 70 dominoes, 70 pictures for 70 sentences for both memory game or bingo.
All the sentences are at different tenses. A good way to repeat, read, identify the tenses, turn into negative or / and interrogative sentences the affirmati...
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-14
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 168
3 possible games with my alphabet cards and poem
I have written a poem in the alphabet order with 3 words for each letter. You will find 26 cards (1 for each letter). I give you the rules for the matching game. But you can create your own memory or bingo game if you prefer. This is an exercise to improve oral : pronunciation and memorize new vocabulary by creating their own verses. Good fun !
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-14
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 52
Where is ... ? Prepositions and expressions of places.
You will find here 17 slides with pictures and sentences illustrating prepositions and expressions of places. The last slide is to train orally or with written sentences about 2 more pictures. Good fun !
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-14
Downloads: 18
2 games and 5 questions to deal with (un)healthy ways of life.
Here is a document to introduce the notion of bad or good habits. There are 2 games to help checking the vocabulary and the last slide is to start the conversation with some questions and then to help broaden the debate. Good chatting !
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-100
Downloads: 32
2 Halloween games - Happy families & Taboo - Part 1
Here is the 1st part of a set of cards I had to split in 2 different powerpoints due to the overweight. In this 1st part you will find 4 pages of cards, that is to say 48 cards 6 of which are the lists of the 7 cards for 6 of 7 of the families. The last 2 pages and the rules for the games will be in...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-15
Downloads: 43
3 monuments for each of 6 countries
Here are 6 other countries and 6 times 3 other monuments. An appealing way to discover or rediscover the own country or foreign countries. Good fun !
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-16
Downloads: 47
3 monuments for each of 6 different countries.
I dealt with 6 different countries and 3 monuments for each. I gave some details about where they are, when they were built, who built them and why they were built for. I gave some interesting other details. Each slide can be the start of a deeper work by the students.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-16
Downloads: 51
55 irregular preterit illustrated
I have illustrated 55 irregular verbs at the simple preterit. You can ask your students to make the alphabetical list. I have written the 3 forms (infinitive, tense, past participle) for each verb. Goof fun with these 55 verbs !
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-14
Downloads: 51
a cute story, a cute dream or the 2 preterits for the 2nd year of high school
First of all I have scanned my document due to the initial weight of the picture and to preserve the presentation. Then this test is for the 2nd year of learning English becausse 2 of the exercises deal with the simple preterit and the preterit -ing - 1 with 13 questions of comprehension of the text...
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-12
Downloads: 8
a game : what is missing - part 2 (furniture, feelings, sports, plants)
Happy new year to all of you dear colleagues !
Here is the 2nd part of my detective game : you are given lists of vocabulary (the 4 topics are furniture, feelings, sports and finally plants). As in the 1st part you must match the pictures with the right words of the lists then find the nameless p...
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-14
Downloads: 39
A nursery and 3 baby bedrooms : sentences and vocabulary.
Here you will find some games for oral or written expression, or both : comparisons + a "missing letters" + an easy crossword about the baby world. The students will have to compare - with full sentences - the common points and the differences between a nursery and 3 baby bedrooms of different color...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-15
Downloads: 26
Adjectives - opposites
You will find here several adjectives (I have written synonyms when I could) with their opposites. I have illustrated in a funny way each word. Good fun !
Level: elementary
Age: 7-14
Downloads: 137