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English worksheets  > contributions by Teacher Nina


The author

Teacher Nina
Teacher Nina

Hi there!

Points: 46


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Online exercises

Countrie and map
Students have to unscramble the words which are names of countries and find them in the map!
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 5

It�s an worksheet!
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 4

Expressing abilitites
Examples on how to espress abilities.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-10
Type: others
Downloads: 7

family tree
Sts have to complete the names that are missing.
Level: elementary
Age: 6-8
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 7

Match the numbers and the pictures
The kids have to match the numbers and the pictures!
Level: elementary
Age: 4-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 4

Sports and preferences
these are some sports and what is the structure for sts to say they like it or not
Level: elementary
Age: 6-8
Type: others
Downloads: 19


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