George Floyd
This is a handout with tasks about George Floyd and the ongoing protests against racial injustice in the USA. Before watching 7 minutes of a BBC video, the students have to look up words that occur in the video. Afterwards they have to answer questions while and after watching the video.
Level: advanced
Age: 17-100
Downloads: 117
food questionnaire
This questionnaire about food and eating habits might be a good starting point to discuss the topic in more detail.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 46
TED talk "how language shapes the way we think"
This interesting and entertaining TED talk is about how we learn to perceive the world through language. the linguist shows examples of how different languages make us perceive the world differently.
First the students look up unfamiliar words, then they have to answer questions while and after watching the 15�-talk. Very suitable for students int...
Level: advanced
Age: 17-100
Downloads: 44
Gun laws
I had my students watch Emma Gonzalez� speech about stricter gun laws in the US which she gave after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, and which you can watch on Youtube. This is the tapescript of her speech with some follow up questions.
Level: advanced
Age: 15-100
Type: reading
Downloads: 32
TED talk looks aren�t everything. Believe me, I�m a model
I love to use TED talks with my higher classes. This one is available on the internet. The former model Cameron Russell talks about the importance of looks. ("Looks aren�t everything. Believe me, I�m a model") First I have my students look up unfamiliar vocab, then they watch the talk and have to answer questions while and after watching it! You ca...
Level: advanced
Age: 17-100
Downloads: 32
This is a creative writing task. I use it mainly with older students (16-18). They have to do a virtual journey to an English-speaking country and write a travel diary on their trip. The students enjoy doing it and I quite like reading it - more than standardised text types...
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 29
video English with Lucy "15 funny idioms"
Have you students watch this video by Lucy (YouTube) about funny British idioms, which they have to explain while watching! Enjoy :-)
Level: advanced
Age: 16-100
Downloads: 29
food idioms
This worksheet deals with adjectives describing food and food idioms. It can be an additional collection of vocab dealing with food/eating habits/expressions concerning food.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 24
how to react?
I discussed these situations with my students when we were dealing with lying - telling the truth. the students had to discuss in small groups how they would react in the situations in question: would they lie or thell the truth?
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Type: others
Downloads: 24
We Were Liars
This handout can be used to discuss the novel "We Were Liars" by e.lockhart. I started reading the novel in class and had handed out this worksheet before. The first 3 bullet points are meant to be discussed in class while reading to make sure the students can follow the story. The other activities are writing tasks and follow-up discussions after ...
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 19