Picture based conversation. Health in the rich countries. (Debating) 3/...
I started a series of wss aimed at preparing my students for their oral exam. They are supposed to react on pictures. Therefore I�m making some topical picture compositions. This is the third one and deals with health in the rich countries, unlike health in the Third World countries which will come later.. Hope this will be useful. I didn�t ad...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 199
Picture based conversation. Immigration. (Debating) 11/�
A worksheet aimed at preparing my students for their oral exam. They are supposed to react to pictures. Therefore I�ve made a series of topical picture compositions. This one deals with a very controversial issue, immigration. Hope this will be useful to you. I didn�t add any vocabulary as ss aren�t allowed any vocabulary lists the day of thei...
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 199
This is a Reading for pre- to intermediate students. Emma is head of the famous Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew. She talks about the Palm House and her job. The text is not very challenging and followed by a series of varied comprehension questions and vocabulary exercises. A quick revision of irregular verbs. Can be followed by a writing exercise...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 198
Internet Vocabulary. Matching exercise + KEY.
A matching exercise for intermediate ss. Key is included.I wanted to include into my for or against The Internet ws, but was too heavy. Hugs from Toulouse.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 198
HOMELESSNESS �We should not be forced into hostels !
Homelessness is always a popular topic with our ss. This is a reading comprehension ws that works very well and can be used as a test too with intermediate level ss. There are various exercises to assess comprehension and revise vocabulary. I added of course the key, and am impatient to read your comments. Hugs !!! I always start this subject ...
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Type: reading
Downloads: 197
Picture based conversation. NON-VIOLENCE. (Debating) 19/�
A worksheet aimed at preparing my students for their oral exam. They are supposed to react to pictures. They have 15� to prepare and their argumentation should last for about 10�. Therefore I�ve made a series of topical picture compositions. This one deals with Nonviolence. Hope this will be useful to you. I didn�t add any vocabulary as ss are...
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 197
Spot the differences. Speaking / Pair work. Part 2
Two pictures that are slightly different. Only the vocabulary is the same on both sheets. I also added some structures or notions to help students or to have them revise some basic grammar points. The main aim is to have them speaking. To find the differences they have to ask questions. Another option is to let them compare the two versions, this m...
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 196
Picture based conversation. Animal Rights. (Debating) 14/�
A worksheet aimed at preparing my students for their oral exam. They are supposed to react to pictures. They have 15� to prepare and their argumentation should last for about 10�. Therefore I�ve made a series of topical picture compositions. This one deals with animal rights, another of their favorite controversial subjects. Hope this will be u...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 196
For or Against MARRIAGE. (Debating)
Still another worksheet aimed at debating on a controversial topic. Students are first asked to brainstorm on the subject. Then I give them the worksheet (with the pros and cons) which I leave them explore in pairs. The ws is mainly aimed at helping ss to take position on the issue and also enrich their vocabulary. It is composed of a non exhaust...
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 196
Simply garden vocabulary and particularly verbs. Ss have to match them with the pictures. The KEY for those who want it is hidden bottom of the page behind the pictures. Wish you the best.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 196