9th form test
Test elaborated under the topic "Healthy lifestyle". Reading comprehension, writing and grammar exercises. Sorry for any mistake you may find.
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-15
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 187
The Media - 10th grade test
Reading comprehension activity on the topic "The Media". Grammar exercises on adjectives vs adverbs and order of adverbs in the sentence. There is also a writing activity at the end of the test.
Level: advanced
Age: 14-16
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 183
11th form test - The World of Work
Test that I�ve prepared for my 11th formers. It�s on the topic "The world of work" and it has reading comprehension and grammar exercises and a very simple writing section.
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 173
Influence of Media on society
This is a test that I have prepared for my 10th grade students.It is about "Mass Media Influence on Society and it has got three different groups. Group I- reading comprehension; group II- grammar; group II- writing.
Level: advanced
Age: 15-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 166
Hi-tech houses - 10th form test
This test is about technology in the future, more precisely the house of the future. It has three distinct parts: reading comprehension, grammar and writing. Key included.
Level: advanced
Age: 15-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 161
8th form test
Reading comprehension test on the topic "Hang Out". There are also grammar exercises on verb tenses and written production on the topic mentioned.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 155
Listening activity about "The effects of technology on relationships"
Students will listen to a song and to an interview about the topic and will do 4 different exercises: filling in blank spaces,ordering stanzas, True/false with correction of the false ones and completing sentences. Here are the two links for the audios.
Level: advanced
Age: 15-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 153
Reading comprehension test on the topic THE WORLD OF WORK
I elaborated this test to my 11th grade students when we were talking about "the world of work". It has two groups: reading comprehension with different types of exercises and grammar. Please corret if you see any mistake. Hope it is useful.
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 149
The importance of English
10th form test on the topic "The importance of English". Reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary and writing activities. Hope it is useful. Please be aware of any mistake.
Level: advanced
Age: 14-16
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 147
When teens become obsessed with body image- 9th form test- version A
Reading comprehension exercises on a text that talks about teens� obsession with body image. There are also grammar exercises on verb tenses and reported speech. Key included.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-16
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 146
Rules for a healthy lifestyle
Ppt to present some rules on how to have a healthy lifestyle.
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Downloads: 85
Adverbs of manner, place, time, frquency, degree and sentence
Powertpoint on the form and use of adverbs. It gives information about adverbs of manner, place, time, frequency, degree and sentence.
Level: advanced
Age: 15-17
Downloads: 78
Past Continuous
Powerpoint on the form and use of the Past Continuous tense. Animated images. Simple, effective and funny resource (I think).
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 75
Passive sentences with two objects
PowerPoint on how to build sentences with direct and indirect object in passive voice. Rules and examples for this kind of sentences.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-15
Downloads: 73
Contrast Clauses
Ppt on the use and structure of contrast clauses.
Level: advanced
Age: 15-17
Downloads: 72
Top 10 jobs
I have used this PPT with my 11th form students when we were talking about "The world of work". It is a "Curiosities" ppt on top 10 jobs:highest paying, most stressful, dirtiest, odd, most relaxing and most dangerous jobs.In order to elaborate this resource I have looked for information on Google S...
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 61
Used to
Powerpoint to introduce the structure "used to".
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-14
Downloads: 52
Powerpoint explaining the use of Gerund ( -ing forms) as nouns. Examples of how a gerund can be subject, object or complement of a sentence. It�s a simple explanation directed to young students who have been learning English for three years. Please correct the mistake on the first slide: it�s not - ...
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 51
Health problems caused by the abusive use of some technological devices
Ppt to present some of the consequences of abusive use of my students�favourite tecnholgical devices. Hope it is useful. Source of information: Google search.
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 45
Present Perfect Tense
Powerpoint on the use and form of the Present Perfect Tense.
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Downloads: 44