RC: Jake and his poor mum
A story about a lazy boy and a hard-working mum. They do the exercises and maybe reflect a little on their own situation. Key included. Daily routine/present simple tense practice.
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 73
The mermaid with the orange tail.
Read the passage, (an unhappy mermaid falls in love with an unhappy boy;-)))then answer the T/F activity and the questions. They could then write up a paragraph about what happens next.
Level: advanced
Age: 10-16
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 72
The Bear and the Crow
This is a true story, with plenty of youtube links- search �bear saves crow�. I�ve written it in the form of an Aesop�s fable. There is a message for them to unravel about who Aesop was. This will suit upper-intermediates.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-16
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 72
Rat Rescue - a Reading Comprehension
A true story - there are some youtube clips, just put in �German rat rescue�. I once wrote a novel �Roman Rescue�, sent it to a publisher and they sent it right back :-( Let�s hope my ws�Rat Rescue� does better than that.
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 72
RC: Meet Mrs Angry.
They read the passage and complete the exercises - a T/F and questions. Good practice for the present simple, plus a lot of colloquialisms... Full key included.
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-100
Downloads: 72
Google Image
Couldn�t believe my luck when I saw today�s google image! I thought, �That will do nicely for my starter activity of the day!�. Hope you can use it.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-15
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 71
Present tense questions with Harry Potter
My students love Harry and they really do enjoy replacing the vowels exercises and it has helped their spelling. Plus, they need practice with basic question forms,so I�ve done this sheet. Hope you will find it useful. Template courtesy of Philip Roeland.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 71
Finding King Richard III
Three pages about how they found the skeleton of Richard. The debate now is: where to re-bury him. I hope you will find it useful- will suit good intermediate and advanced students.
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 71
What is climate change?
It is a very complex subject which I have tried to simplify. If there any inaccuracies, please let me know. They read the passage and answer the questions. A short vocab exercise on page 2 and some pictures to describe. A key is included.
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-16
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 71
The Sun, the Wind and the Rain
This is an old fable, following on from the famous one about the wind and the sun and the man�s coat. They answer the questions, do a short match-up and maybe take this forward with some creative writing.
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-14
Downloads: 70