Reading language about module 4 for 7th formers
It�s a reading language sheet about module 4 for 7th formers.The text is adapted from 1st year textbook and is shortened. The language task is about road safety.
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-15
Downloads: 26
Let�s review
It�s a text about family members and relationships. It incorporates both grammar and comprehension. It can be a good start to deal with module one
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 24
Pocket money
Module1,lesson 4 for Tunisian 9th formers. The topic is pocket money and grammar is about comparison of equality
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-16
Downloads: 19
How to be cooperative
Here are activities for Tunisian 9th formers. The grammar focus is on the past continuous and the message is to encourage team work
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-16
Downloads: 17
compund adjectives
Here students are going to express the given sentences differently using compound adjectives
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 15
Module 3 lessons 4+5
Here is a vocabulary review of lessons 4+5 module 3 9th form
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 15
Eating out
Module5 lesson2:The listening passage is from 9th Tunisian program
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-16
Downloads: 12
full term3 test
This is a full term3 test for tunisian 7th formers. It covers module 5.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 1
test about modules 4 and 5 for 7th formers
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-14
Downloads: 0
test about modules 4 and 5 for 7th formers
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-14
Downloads: 0