Friends Will Be Friends!
This WS includes: Page 1 - DISCUSSION Qs about friendship; IDIOMS about friendship (Ss match idioms with their definitions); Page 2 - QUOTES about friendship (Ss read the quotes and fill in the gaps); WORDS and PHRASES about friendship (Ss match the words and definitions). ANSWER KEY included. I hope you enjoy the activity with your students! Have ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 248
Happiness Secrets
�Happiness Secrets�: Feel Good Tricks for you and your students! Students start by reading the text about things that can help them feel happier. There are two after-reading activities(fill in the gaps and explain the words) and discussion questions. Happy teaching! Be happy and never worry :) Special thanks to PhilipR for providing the spiral note...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 234
Present Simple & Past Simple (Love story)
There is a LOVE story with GAPS which must be completed with either Present or Past Simple. Then Ss are asked to explain the highlighted words in English and there are also DISCUSSION questions after the exercise. Key is included. Have a fantastic weekend! Hugs, Kate (kkcat). Template by PhilipR :)
Level: elementary
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 233
First Date? No Problem!
Date Ideas (Part 2). These ideas are mostly aimed at adults but can be used with teenagers too. There are tips on what to do and where to go on a first date and a fill-in exercise. Students will also have to explain the highlighted words in English.
Key is included. Have a great Friday :). Hugs, Kate. Template by PhilipR. P.S. Part 1 is here: htt...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 228
Instant Messaging (IM) ETIQUETTE
Do you use ICQ, AIM or AOL? DO�s and DON�Ts for INSTANT MESSAGING.
Here is the text about Instant Messaging Etiquette, and follow-up activities: Insert the words into the gaps, explain the underlined words. Discussion questions. KEY included.
Have a great week! Hugs, Kate.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 226
The Best April Fool�s day hoaxes of all times!
Four texts about APril Fool�s Day hoaxes. Page 1: Students read the texts and complete the gaps with the words from the box. Page 2: Match the words from the text with their definitions. Then students answer the questions about the texts. Have a great weekend!
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: reading
Downloads: 165
Christmas is coming soon!
*Christmas* is coming soon so I decided to share this WS with you all. PAGE 1 - Christmas DISCUSSION and Christmas TRIVIA texts. PAGE 2 - Two more texts and questions to all four texts. And CHRISTMAS QUOTES - Ss express their opinion about the given quotes. Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Kate (kkcat).
Texts are adapted from http://www.thehistory...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: reading
Downloads: 127
Superstitions. (Oh, These Wonderful Cats! )
This worksheet has 2 pages plus ANSWER KEY. It�s about superstitions about CATS and Interetsing FACTS about cats. Page 1 - Discussion questions, Good superstitions about cats. Page 2 - Bad superstitions and Fun Facts about cats + questions to the text. I hope you and your Ss enjoy this activity. I hope all cats lovers of this wonderful website will...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 98
What would you do if...?
You can use this printable when you are teaching conditionals. You can also use it when you want to give your students extra speaking practice. They will for sure enjoy these questions! I used the printable with teenagers and adults, and they had a lot of fun!
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 75
Where will you find Love? Funny Test for Girls
This is a fun test for teenage girls. I created it to use with my students aged 14 years old and they absolutely loved it! The test has interesting vocabulary and can be a great ground for an active discussion!
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: reading
Downloads: 59