present tense �to be� and personal pronouns (school items)
I needed a sheet on the verb to be with easy vocabulary. I combined it with our current school objects unit. There is an exercise on personal pronouns, basic am/is/are gap fills, short answers and negative sentences. Spacing is wide enough to write comfortably on the sheet itself and it is in black and white for easy photocopying...
Hope you find ...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 155
basic feelings worksheet
several exercises for the most basic feelings (mad, sad, happy, hungry, thirsty, tired, scared).
1)Answer how they feel (for easy to spell feelings)
2)Answer who feels how (feeling given)
3)draw and name a feeling
4)write words in the correct order to create a sentence
Hope you find it useful, Marion
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 155
go fish/quartet game - 3 pages, 9 families - family vocabulary
students play in groups of 3 or 4, each student gets 4 or 5 cards, rest left in a stack. Goal is to complete sets of 4 by asking questions using family vocabulary. (example: Do you have Homer�s daughter? Yes, I have Lisa, Homer�s daughter, if the answer is no, asker needs to take card from stack). Designed to print well in greyscale, just copy on h...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: others
Downloads: 146
Have - Has and riddles with the simpsons family members
two different exercises. 1. students need to complete sentences with correct form of the verb �to have� (Bart HAS two sisters)
2. riddles to check family vocabulary (My mother�s sister is my....) Hope you find it useful, Marion
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 144
practice present simple with 3 different Pixar short movies
I desperately needed something new to practice the present simple. I made three different exercises for three different short Pixar movies (youtube links provided): For the birds, (conjugate the verbs in the story and watch the story to find out the end)Lifted (multiple choice, choose the sentence with the correct spelling and form), and La Luna Ch...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 140
active body parts board game (basic)
If you liked my board game for advanced students you�ll probably like this one as well. This one has more basic vocabulary for elementary students. It is an active game: jump on one leg, put your chin on you knee, count your toes etc.
Great way to enforce vocabulary. Lay out based on template by Zailda, thanks! Hope you like it, Marion
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Type: Choose
Downloads: 137
furniture and prepositions of place
Students look at the picture of the room and correct the sentences given: the computer is on the bed- the computer is on the desk.... thanks to Dareka1 and all the others for explaining how to make the picture smaller..
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 136
board game to practice Will (future)
Straightforward board game with "will" questions to practice future tense with will. (will you have children?, Will people remember Justin Bieber? etc. etc.) Lay out based on template by Jecika, thank you! Hope you find it useful, Marion
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: others
Downloads: 130
�do or dare� game ,Part 2
Part 2 of the �do or dare� game. (adapted version of the known �truth or dare�) 24 cards with silly assignments (kiss your elbow) for kids to fullfill if they failed the English assignment earlier (posted seperately)and a page to be used as background. fully editable, enjoy, Marion
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: others
Downloads: 129
do or dare game for the whole class Part 1
A game for the last class (5th graders). since their English isn�t good enough for free speaking �truth or dare� I made a �do or dare� version. they need to take a card with an assignment in English (spell something, name the months of the year, etc.) If they fail on the assignment, they need to take a card with a �dare� (hold both ears and say; I ...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: others
Downloads: 129