English worksheets > contributions by AJFC
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Hey, there! I�m a Portuguese teacher!I�m teaching English to elementary school children. I have plents of material I�d like to share with you.The problem is the size limit.It�s too short, because I must work a lot with imaging, so that the children get interested and learn better.It also happens with all my PowerPoints.I wish ESL enlarged the size limit;(
Points: 3605
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Old-Sheet Template
Hi, there! This is a template I made, using one of Mena�s templates (don�t remember which, sorry). By the way, thanks a lot Mena for your great contributions and hope you don�t mind me using your template to create new ones. If you do, I�ll just remove it from here. Happy Easter, everybody;)*
Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Type: template
Downloads: 0
Blackboard & Chalk Template
Just wanted to share this template with you! Hope you�ll find it useful;)*
Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Type: template
Downloads: 0
Books and Blackboard Templates
Hi, there!
Though for the moment I�m not sharing worksheets with you, because I�m working on my masters, I wanted to send my templates to you. I�ve been creating templates to my German worksheets, because my masters is on German language teaching. So in order not to stop sharing things with this great community, at least I can send my templates ...
Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Type: template
Downloads: 0