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English worksheets  > contributions by AudreyI


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Harry Potter and adjectives exercises
This worksheet is a homework task I gave my pupils right after my Get to know the houses worksheet to have them practise building adjectives (-LESS and -FUL adjective, -ING and -ED adjectives and compound adjectives) KEY INCLUDED
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 35

Shrek opening scene level 2
This is level 2 of the worksheet for the opening scene of Shrek. It�s composed of a listening activity (the pupils must fill in the blanks) as well as a writing activity (the pupils must imagine the following part of the story using the past simple tense) I created two worksheets for this activity so that it can meet my pupils� different needs.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 34

These poor hands - a miner�s autobiography
A reading based on the true experience of a miner. I got the book at Big Pit, Wales and chose that extract to have my pupils understant the hard life of a miner. KEY INCLUDED
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 33

Create a recipe - Game
This a game I created to recap how to write a recipe with my pupils. You need the 3 wheels and a die. The pupils work in groups. 1/The pupils throw the die and turn the wheel of actions �1� 2/The pupils throw the die again and turn one of the other two wheels �2� 3/ They can now write the first sentence of their recipe 4/Keep throwing the die a...
Level: elementary
Age: 5-15
Type: others
Downloads: 31

Prince Ea�s sorry
This is a worksheet for the �song� Dear Future Generations : sorry. You�ll find that I cut one stanza off the �song� to make it easier. so the pupils first need to put the verbs in brackets into the past tense, then they answer some questions about the lyrics, focusing on the environment, finally they find out what we must do to help save the plan...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 31

Alfred Hitchcock presents �Revenge�
The story is that of Elsa and Carl, a young married couple. They just moved because Elsa�s had a nervous breakdown. One day, as Carl comes back from work, he finds Elsa who�s fainted. She tells him that a man came and killed her. Nothing is said but a rape is insinuated. Carl decides to go and look for the man. Elsa recognizes him in the street.Car...
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 30

Guy Fawkes vs V for Vendetta
This worksheet is composed of 3 documents and activities: first the famous poem �Remember, Remember�, then a page from the comic book V for Vendetta and finally the trailer of the eponymous film. These activities lead the students to understand to what extent a true story, when adapted, still connects to reality but also that some freedom is ge...
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 27

How to celebrate St Patrick�s day
This is a worksheet I did to work on St Patrick�s Day. It�s based on a video you can find on youtube (http://youtu.be/mH0TjR9tmPg) How to celebrate St Patrick�s day like an Irishman. The pupils watch the video and fill in the text. The script is given after the worksheet.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 25

Relative pronouns (where-who-which-when-why-how)
This sheet recaps the relative pronouns �where�, �who�, �which�, �when�, �why� and �how�. An example is given for each of them.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: grammar-guide
Downloads: 24

Looking for Eric film study
This worksheet is a �while-watching� activity for the film Looking for Eric by Ken Loach. I�ve worked on British social realism with my pupils and of course needed to give them an example. The pupils simply need to fill in the ID of the main character, say whether some statements are true or false and eventually have a closer look at the convention...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 24


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