Collocations (go, get, do, take, make)
A good warm-up activity - complete the question with a proper verb to make a collocation and ask your partner
Level: intermediate
Age: 15-100
Downloads: 28
Making requests
A list of useful phrases for making requests
Level: intermediate
Age: 18-100
Downloads: 28
Warm-up activity (collocations)
a set of cards to practice some basic colloctions with take, get, go, do - just choose the correct verb
Level: intermediate
Age: 15-100
Downloads: 28
Zoo animals (loop game)
let�s practice zoo animals in a funny way
Level: elementary
Age: 7-100
Downloads: 28
Find someone who (5 tenses revision)
A nice warm-up activity for pre-intermediate and intermediate students. It aims at revising 5 tenses in a fun way
Level: intermediate
Age: 15-100
Downloads: 27
Freetime activities (find someone)
A nice speaking activity for young english learners
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 27
Warm-up activity (4 tenses revision)
It�s a nice warm-up activity created in order to revise 4 tenses (questions and answers). The task is simple - choose the card, make a question in a given tense, ask your partner or anybody in a group/class.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 27
Preposition + noun (fill-in the gaps exercise)
A nice activity to practice preposition+noun phrases
Level: intermediate
Age: 15-100
Downloads: 27
Christmas in Ukraine
Do you know how do people celebrate Christmas in Ukraine?
Level: intermediate
Age: 15-100
Downloads: 27
Asking for and giving personal information (video)
There is a nice activity for elementary and maybe beginner students learning how to ask for and give personal information. The link is added
Level: elementary
Age: 14-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 27