A2+-B1 11 Time connectors:finally,while,as,when,but,until,after,before,later,then & at first
Students read the sentences and complete the gap-fill with a suitable time connector. Each conjunction is used 3 times. Answers on page 2.
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 29
A2-B1 10 prepositions of place
Students read the sentences, then complete the gap-fill with a suitable / logical preposition of place. Answers on page 2
Level: elementary
Age: 9-100
Downloads: 29
A1 Fill in the blanks with the correct question word below
Students familiarise themselves with the question words in bold, then read the sentences to see which interrogative is needed to complete the question. Answers on page 2.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 29
A1+-A2 Complete the sentences with the correct personal subject & object pronouns
Students read the sentences to see which type of personal pronoun or object pronoun is required to complete the gap-fill. Answers on page 2.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 29
A2-B1 Practise with 13 quantifiers
Students familiarise themselves with the 13 quantifiers and their usage. Then they read the sentences to see which one is suitable to complete the gap-fill. Answers on page 2.
Level: elementary
Age: 9-100
Downloads: 29
A2+-B1 Adjective gap-fill exercise
Students familiarise themselves with the 31 adjectives and their meanings. Then they read the sentences to see which adjective is required to complete the gap-fill.Answers on page 2.
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-100
Downloads: 29
A1 Short answer practise
Students read the questions,then using the clues: (+) = positive answer required / (-) = negative answer required complete the questions. Answers on page 2.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 29
B1 -B2 10 Mixed tenses
Students familiarise themselves with the 10 tenses and their uses. Then they read the sentences to see which tense is needed to complete then gap-fill with the given verb. Each tense is used 3 times. Answers on page 2.
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100
Downloads: 29
A1+-A2 Jobs - Who do I need to phone if....
Students familiarise themselves with the 25 jobs and what they do. Then students read each scenario and write down the type of job that will solve the problem. Answers on page 2.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-100
Downloads: 29
A2+-B1 Linking words for amounts: neither, nor, both & either
First students familiarise themselves with the 4 words and their uses. Then they read the sentences to work out which linker is needed to complete the gap-fill.Each linker is used 7 times. Answers on page 2.
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-100
Downloads: 29