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English worksheets  > contributions by MarionG


The author

Marion Wilbers

Hi, my name is Marion. I�m from Holland but I�ve been living and teaching in Israel for some years now. This website - and its warm, wonderful community of contributors - is a true gift. I hope you find my contributions as useful as I do yours.

Points: 22121


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Online exercises

draw and describe your family
After learning family members, students draw their family and then descibe it under their own picture. Basic but it works. I hang their work in the hall for parents and visitors to see.
Level: elementary
Age: 5-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 81

all forms of to be in present simple and professions vocabulary
A basic and clear review of all forms of the verb to be in present simple. We just learned the names of different professions in English so I used that vocabulary as a theme. Hope it is useful for some of you, Have a great weekend, Marion
Level: elementary
Age: 7-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 80

very basic opposites board game
A basic game with simple opposite adjectives, students must find the opposite of the square they landed on. I will begin the lesson with the Beatles song Hello-goodbye. This game uses some of the words and pictures from the worksheet on the song so it kind of builds on that...but it can be used without any connection whatsoever to the song. (but yo...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 78

meaning of the song Lemon tree
The song "lemon Tree� is very popular but its lyrics are a little obsecure so i searched the net for meaning and came accross some nice materials. I re-wrote them to better suit the level of my students. (source site mentioned under the title). I will use it alongside the wonderful exercises �Daniela� posted a few days ago. (thanks again ;)
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: Choose
Downloads: 75

imperatives with �the Mom song� (3 pages)
Everything a mom says in 24 hours condensed to just under 3 minutes! fantastic song to learn imperatives, full lyrics and page with exercises on imperative form, positive and negative. Video available on youtube. One of my personal favorites, hope you like it, Marion
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 74

Present continuous with �Tom�s diner� by Suzanne Vega (2 pages)
THE song to teach present continuous. on the first page there is a vocabulary exercise to work with the difficult words from the text and an exercise choosing the correct feeling to complete a sentence. Second page has lyrics where students need to write the correct form of the verbs in pres. continuous. Fully editable, hope you like it, Marion
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 74

basic jobs boardgame
game designed to strengthen jobs vocabulary. Students throw a die, if they reach a word they jump to the picture and vice versa. Encourages sight reading, and helps memorize vocabulary while having fun. Thank you Zailda for the template. Hope it is useful for someone, my students seemed to like it. Marion
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Type: others
Downloads: 72

reading comprehension, telling about yourself
short reading comprehension about a girl who tells about herself. With comprehension questions and questions the students answer about themselves, using the text as a guide. Hope you like it, Marion
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Type: Choose
Downloads: 72

Song: somebody that I used to know
basic sheet on the very popular song by Goyte. I used it for the last part of a long class (we�re working on past tense now). I showed them a lyrics video, translated the difficult words with them, read the lyrics together, and finished with watching the cool official video, twas fun. Hope you find it useful, Marion
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 70

Very basic worksheet on the most basic adjectives/opposites. 2 pages. Match opposites, write a short description, choose the appropriate word (this last one is based on an exercise by dkiper - his/her vocabulary was too rich for my students) Hope you find it useful..fully editable.....
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 70


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