IRREGULAR VERBS � simple past tense
A worksheet about irregular verbs in the SIMPLE PAST TENSE. Contains 3 exercises: 1. Insert the verb in the sentence in the simple past tense 2. Reading comprehension - match the sentences with the pictures 3. Correct a text - find the 7 mistakes. : )
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 310
Asking for Advice (8 cards)
I have just had some of my best lessons ever with my 7th and 9th grade using these cards � this really got them talking!
To use the cards, divide your student�s in groups of 3-5. They are now taking part in a radio show where people call in to get an advice.
Each group has a pile of cards and draws the first one. The card presents a problem and ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 207
Information Gap - 1
I love Information Gap Exercises - and I find they work really well with my classes.
This one is intended for intermediate students in need of quite a lot of scaffolding - page 2 contains the questions they need.
Hope you can use it, too! : )
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 202
Irregular Verbs
A worksheet to practice the past tense of irregular verbs.
If you need more worksheets about irregular verbs, my worksheet http://www.eslprintables.com/grammar_worksheets/verbs/verb_tenses/simple_past_irregular_verbs/IRREGULAR_VERBS_E28093_simple_past__516228/#thetop contains the same pictures but different verbs.
:) Karina
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 165
WHO * WHICH * WHOSE / 2 pages
NB: The grey rectangles aren�t visible when you open the document! : )Two pages about the relative pronouns "who", "which" and "whose". Contains 5 exercises: 1. Insert the right relative pronoun in each sentence 2. Reading comprehension: Match the sentences with pictures 3. Finish sentences using relative pronouns + imagination 4. Connect mismatche...
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 156
Conversation Questions
I have used these 21 questions in two different ways:
- Students discuss them in pairs
- Each student gets a question and we all walk around in the class and "meet" other students. When student A and B have asked and answered their respective questions, they exchange question cards and find someone new to talk to.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 112
Cards: 2-Minute Speeches
My students love this activity - they get to be creative and to enjoy each others crazy ideas.
Each student gets a card and has 10 minutes to prepare a speech about the topic on the card. Some of the topics are a little strange and some role-playing will be a natural part of many of the speeches created.
If you like, the other students can ask q...
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 93
Information Gap
I love information gaps - here is one I�ve made for tomorrow. I am going to use it as a warm-up... : )
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 79
GO FISH- Halloween 3/3
When you have printed all the cards, this Halloween game will consist of 40 cards.
I have made this "Halloween Go Fish" game for my pupils. "Go fish" is a popular activity which always works well in my classes. In this game, the pupils will practice Halloween vocabulary, the simple past tense and they will do a lot of reading and listening.
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 70
GO FISH - Halloween 1/3
When you have printed all the cards, this Halloween game will consist of 40 cards.
I have made this "Halloween Go Fish" game for my pupils. "Go fish" is a popular activity which always works well in my classes. In this game, the pupils will practice Halloween vocabulary, the simple past tense and they will do a lot of reading and listening.
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 69
Animals - how many?
27 slides with animations. The pupils will practice animal vocabulary and the numbers.
In each slide you�ll see a lot of animals and e.g. ask the class: "How many lions are there?", "Is there more than two dogs?" or "Do you see any birds"?
This powerpoint can be used again and again; just change...
Level: elementary
Age: 5-14
Downloads: 30
Animals 2
33 slides with animations - part 1 has also been uploaded today. Some of the animals will occur in both, since part 2 is intended for repetition as well as for introducing a number of new animals.
Level: elementary
Age: 5-14
Downloads: 17
Animals 1
37 slides with animations for practicing vocabulary with beginners - the topic is animals.
There is also a part 2, which I have uploaded today as well : )
Level: elementary
Age: 6-14
Downloads: 16
Practice the names of different animals. For example: The word "Lion" will appear. Two different animals will be shown. If the picture to the left is correct, the pupils run to the left side of the classroom - and vice versa. Another option is to ask your pupils to raise their left or their right ar...
Level: elementary
Age: 5-100
Downloads: 13

Song: Talking to the Moon - by Bruno Mars
Students practice listening, spelling and vocabulary by working with Bruno Mars� beautiful song "Talking to the Moon".
: ) Karina
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100

Muzzy in Gondoland 2
Practice spelling by finishing a short text about Muzzy in Gondoland. Very easy, since your pupils can get help from the text written above.
: ) Karina
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100

Britney Learns "Gangnam Style"!
The kids all love "Gangnsm Style" and Psy these days, so I made some exercises about a funny youtube clip where Britney Spears meet Psy.
Gap filling, questions and a listening exercise.
: ) Karina
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100

Under the Mistletoe - Justin Bieber
A lot of my students love Justin Bieber, so I made this little Christmas exercise with his new song "Under the Mistletoe".
First, they work with vocabulary from the song. Then they listen to the song (youtube-video included) and fill in the missing words.
: ) Karina
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100

Video lesson - Helping The Ducks
The pupils watch a long video (23 minutes) after working with vocabulary from the video. Afterwards, they answer questions about the video. The questions are all multiple choice questions.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-100

The Scared Babysitter
Watch the very funny youtube-video of the babysitter Gary. His best friend Todd and the TV-show "Scare Pranks" set him up and make him think that he can see a ghost.
Pupils watch the video and answer multiple choice questions while or after watching.
Meant for practicing listening skills - and for...
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100

Song: Rise Up - by Yves Larock
Students ptactice spelling, listening skills and vocabulary by working with the song/ music video "Rise Up" by Yves Larock.
: ) Karina
Level: elementary
Age: 8-100

Song: Titanium - by Sia and David Guetta
"Titanium" is currently on the Top 20 and is very popular with my students... : )Students will do a lot of different things related to the song and the music video. First, new vocabulary is introduced. Then students watch the video, insert missing words, answer questions and practice spelling by fin...
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-100

Lady Gaga
Students practice spelling, reading and listening. They watch a short interview with Lady Gaga and read a text about her, and then they answer questions and insert missing words.
: ) Karina
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-100

Alien Babysitter - Scare Tactics
Pupils watch a funny episode of "Scare Tactics" and practice spelling, vocabulary, listening skills and reading. Four different exercises - have fun!
: ) Karina
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-100