City places: multiple choice activity
Now a new multiple choice activity (NOT REPEATED!!!!) to go with my pictionaries; thanks again to Mada for the template. Have a nice Sunday!:)
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 539
This is my latest eveyday life action pictionary. Sorry again because of its size I had to split it into three parts. I cross my fingers all my images are OK ( 100...!!!!). Took me a while to compose it!! Thanks anyway to Google image and its great clipart websites (ESL included).I�m not selling it but than you for downloading and for you nice comm...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 486
household chores/multiple choice activity
A multiple choice activity coming with the pictionary to work on the theme of household chores. Thanks again to Mada for the wonderful template(Nb:she also has great worksheets on that theme!).
I hope you will like it and keep up the good work!:)
Level: elementary
Age: 7-8
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 430
This is my latest eveyday life action pictionary. Sorry again because of its size I had to split it into three parts. I cross my fingers all my images are OK ( 100...!!!!). Took me a while to compose it!! Thanks anyway to Google image and its great clipart websites (ESL included).I�m not selling it but than you for downloading and for you nice comm...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 429
Feelings and emotions multiple choice 1
The first part of a multiple choice activity to practise describing people�s feelings and emotions coming with my pictionaries. Many many thanks to Mada for the template! ( a real susccess). Second part tomorrow. Enjoy and thanks for your nice comments!:))
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 412
This is my latest eveyday life action pictionary. Sorry again because of its size I had to split it into three parts. I cross my fingers all my images are OK ( 100...!!!!). Took me a while to compose it!! Thanks anyway to Google image and its great clipart websites (ESL included).I�m not selling it but than you for downloading and for you nice comm...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 395
What are they going to do in summer?BE going to
Now a ws to practise BE GOIG TO postive and negative and match the sentences with the pictures . Enjoy!:)
Level: elementary
Age: 9-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 389
Daily routines on School days
Hello , a first worksheet in which students have to put the verb in the present simple and match the sentences with the pictures. It deals with daily routines on school days.I hope you will like it , thanks , Sylvie!:)
Level: elementary
Age: 8-15
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 388
What are they doing now? Present continuous practice
Now a second worksheet in which students have to put the verb in the present continuous and match the sentences with the pictures. It deals withall sorts of activities.Enjoy , thanks , Sylvie!:)
Level: elementary
Age: 8-15
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 377
City places:pictionary 1
Several Worksheets to revise words related to the city. I had just finished when Kissnetothedit �s great work on shopping appeared on the site and she has accepted that we have some images in common, (thanks again for that ; Anyway enjoy, download and thanks for the comments:)
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 366
Action verbs :55 slide quiz
HI, here is a powerpoint to revise or learn every day action verbs, with a multiple choice quiz on 55 slides,if you double click on the slide , the answer will pop out it comes with my wordsearch and a new ws on the subject, hope you will like it , hugs , Sylvie!:))
Level: elementary
Age: 9-15
Downloads: 225
Free time activities multiple choice activity with animation
This is a multiple choice activity to learn or revise some names of hobbies on more than 40 slides, if you click on the slide, the correct answer comes up and then you can click on the number for the next slide, hope you will like it . Hugs form bloody cold Normandy, Sylvie!:))
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Downloads: 185
Happy Hallowe�en: 40 slide multiple choice quiz
Here is a powerpoint to learn or revise words related to Hallowe�en, if you click on the slide the answer will pop out , have a great week and hallowe�en / autumn break, Sylvie:))
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Downloads: 167
Irregular verbs : 3 form illustrated list 2
Here you will find , in these two powerpoints 80 irregular verbs .Each time you click on the slide a form appears , infinitive, past simple , and past participle, they come with my worksheet" What holidays" today , hope you will like them, have a good week , Sylvie!:))
Level: elementary
Age: 11-16
Downloads: 158
Say no to bullying with practice of should shouldn�t
here is powerpoint I made to come with today�s worksheet on bullying, you will find slides to explain bullying an acticty that Iused in my worksheetwith completing the sentences with Should or shouldn�t, on 30 slides, hope you will like it, hugs :Sylvie:))
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 154
Irregular verbs : 3 form illustrated list
Here you will find , in these two powerpoints 80 irregular verbs .Each time you click on the slide a form appears , infinitive, past simple , and past participle, they come with my worksheet" What holidays" today , hope you will like them, have a good week , Sylvie!:))
Level: elementary
Age: 11-17
Downloads: 149
School things
Now , my first powerpoint ever!!! Can you imagine ?Here, it�s to learn or revise the vocabulary of school items with 28 SLIDES and a multiple choice activity to guess the right word.Thanks Valeriavaleria for the template! Thanks for downloading , have a good week, Syvie!:)
Level: elementary
Age: 7-14
Downloads: 141
household chores/multiple choice game
A powerpoint to learn or revise vocabulary of household chores through a multiple choice activity on 32 slides. Enjoy and have a good week!;))Sylvie
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Downloads: 139
Feelings /multiple choice game
Hi to you all, today a series of activities to learn or revise voacbulary related to feelings with first a multiple choice activity on more than 40 slides coming with my pictionaries and the crossword puzzle and other ws here on ESL. Enjoy , hugs, Sylvie!:))
Level: elementary
Age: 8-15
Downloads: 135
Fruit: multiple choice activity
A multiple choice activity with a little animation, you double click on the slide to get the right answer, here about general fruit, the font I used is Showard gothic. Hope you will like it. Hugs ;Sylvie
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Downloads: 127