let�s review module 4 for the 8th form
this work sheet is meant to revise both vocabulary and grammar covered in module 4hope you�ll like it
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 483
Let�s review module 3 for the 8th form
This worksheet is aimed to help ss revise the comparative form, verb forms and and tenses(mainly spast and past progressive)
Level: elementary
Age: 13-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 345
let�s review module I 8th form Tunisian program
this ws is meant to revise module 1 for the 8th form and to prepare the pupils for the test.just the section that presedes the test . good day
Level: elementary
Age: 11-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 315
preparing for the trip
It�s meant to make the pupils
1/ make surprises
2/ remember ordinal numbers
3/use the future
Hope you �ll like it
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 102
What are your hobbies
this handout is meant for the third hour 7th form Tunisian program . Mu objective is to help my pps speak obout their hobbies using only the first person I
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 85
sporting activities
word search about types of sports / writing sentences using comparisons or gradual change
exppressing opinion about the benefits of sports with whioch other groups will agree or disagree
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 64
ordinary english test N2
It�s an English test composed of reading comprehension part language part and writing part
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Type: others
Downloads: 64
end of term test
Its an end of term test 8th form 1st term I hope it�ll be helpful
Level: elementary
Age: 13-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 51
Simple past for the seventh form Tunisian program
This worksheet gives the pupils the possibility to learn all the rules related to the simple pastI think. hope you �ll like it
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 50
language activities
these activities can help for revisino i hope you�ll like them
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 43