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English worksheets  > contributions by jaschang


The author

Jas Chang

Points: 99


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Online exercises

Frozen Lyric
Frozen Lyrics
Level: elementary
Age: 12-15
Type: others
Downloads: 10

Preposition Quiz
Preposition and phrasal verbs quiz. Recommended after teaching or activities to evaluate students� understanding.
Level: intermediate
Age: 6-100
Downloads: 10

Turning Red Movie Worksheet
Kids will be engaged throughout the movie by answering the questions
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-100
Downloads: 8

Travel English Quiz
This is a quick quiz for those who wanted to learn more about travel English.
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 3


Beep Game
A very interesting and exciting games. Expect some screaming and laughters in the class! Have fun

Level: elementary
Age: 7-100
Downloads: 38

Christmas Quiz
A fun x�mas quiz which students can learn vocab and a song

Level: elementary
Age: 5-17
Downloads: 30

Found 0 online exercises