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English worksheets  > contributions by nfoskey


The author

Nancy Foskey
United States

I am an ESOL Specialist in Atlanta, GA. I teach elementary students primarily this year in second grade.

Points: 7


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Online exercises

Earth Day Scavenger Hunt
This is a great activity for Earth Day. It can be adapted as a walk around your school. The students have partners and they carry a sack to pick up trash around the school while looking for simple things in nature. I originally created it with pictures but even the small pictures made the file too large to send. It will easily be adaptable to th...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-10
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 0


Second Grade Pantomime Drama Lesson
This is a warm-up lesson I used on a smart board for a second grade class. We wrote a class story with our artist in residence and practiced our pantomime before we read our story. This could be adapted to fit any book. I used a SIOP model for the lesson plan.

Level: elementary
Age: 6-10
Downloads: 7

Found 0 online exercises