Portfolio Assessment - Part 1 ( 43 pages containing everything you�d like to know about Portfolios. All info are designed in well-devised activities , and an Answer Key is provided for you in the 2nd Part. ) A complete workshop!!!
Hello dear teachers,
A two-part portfolio workshop( 43 pages both parts) contains everything you�d like to know about portfolios ( types, advantages, designing and getting started with portfolios, in addition to how portfolios work as assessment tools. All this is displayed thru. well-devised activities that you can use to help teachers know more...
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 767
Facebook - Friend or Foe ( multiple choice exercise + Explaining text-related terms+ answering questions + vocabulary matching + word references)
This is a 3-page worksheet with Reading tasks: multiple choice exercise + Explaining text-related terms+ answering questions + vocabulary matching + word references.
Hope you like it!!
Sending butterflies your way
Butterfly Nebal:)))
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: Choose
Downloads: 569
Portfolio Assessment - Part 2 ( 43 pages containing everything you�d like to know about Portfolios. All info are designed in well-devised activities , and an Answer Key is provided for you. ) A complete workshop!!!
Hello again dear teachers, this is the second part of the whole portfolio workshop( 43 pages both parts) . It contains everything you�d like to know about portfolios ( types, advantages, designing and getting started with portfolios, in addition to how portfolios work as assessment tools. All this is displayed thru. well-devised activities that you...
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 555
Seasons ( A Fairy-tale) : A Complete Project with many tasks : Five Reading Comprehension Tasks+ Two Grammar Tasks ( Simple Present, Present Continuous, Subject-Verb Agreement, Confusing Words, Wh-Questions, prepositions )+ Three Writing Tasks ( Unscrambl
Hello wonderful teachers, It�s been months since I contributed anything here. This project contains three main parts: Reading Comprehension ( Circle the best answer, Fill in the blanks, answer questions,match vocabulary, and find pronoun reference)+ Grammar (Simple Present, Present Continuous, Subject-verb Agreement, Confusing Words, Wh-questions, ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-12
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 427
Learn with Idioms ( Part 19) : Idioms with Fashion, Shoe, and Wear ( B&W Version)
Hiya dear colleagues,
In this worksheet you can find another set of idioms with fashion, shoe, and wear ( idioms expressions+meanings+examples).
Hope you find it equally useful as the previous parts!! :))
A B&W version is supplied.
Sweet thoughts,
Butterfly Nebal:))
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 404
Learn with Idioms ( Part 8 )
Hi everybody!!! I�m back with a new Idioms Worksheet( Part 8 ).It contains another set of idioms that can be very commonly used in the English classroom(idioms+meaning+example).
Hope u find it as useful as the previous Worksheets!!
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 336
Learn with Idioms(Part2)
This is another worksheet that contains another set of idioms that can be very commonly used in the English classroom(idioms+meaning+example).
Hope u find it as useful as the previous Worksheet!!
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 303
Learn with Idioms ( Part 5)
Hi everybody!!
This is Worksheet Part5 ( Idioms+ meaning+examples).
A Veryyyyyyyyyy nice & useful one. Have a look!!!
Hope u like it!!!!!!
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 280
Learn with Idioms(Part 20): Idioms with Dish, Eat, Feed, Hungry, and Spoon ( B&W Version)
Hiya dear colleagues, In this worksheet you can find another set of idioms with dish,feed,eat,hungry, and spoon( idioms expressions+meanings+examples). Hope you find it equally useful as the previous parts!! :)) A B&W version is supplied. Have a great weekend, Butterfly Nebal:))
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 262
Learn with Idioms ( Part 12 )
Hello again, dear collegues! Well, this is Part 12 with ( expressions+ meaning + examples). An awesome set that would be very useful in your classes. Hope u enjoy it and find it equally effective like the past ones!!!
I would like to thank again my very sweet friend, Marie for the proofreading. You rock:)))))
Butterfly Nebal
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 257
Letters to God ( by children)
A ver funny and interesting powerpoint that embraces 16 letters written by different children,writing to God. The letters actually shows the innocence and simplicity of children. It can be a warm-up to teach children how to write a simple letter. It can also be taught to intermediate and advanced pu...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-10
Downloads: 51