English worksheets > contributions by sulekra
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Adam Rene
I�m an Australian currently living in the Czech Republic. I teach mostly upper-intermediate & advanced students, so most of my worksheets are for conversation with grammar embedded. I�ve been teaching English since 2008 and I�m hoping to stick with it for a long time yet, and see many countries around the world. All feedback will be very much appreciated :D
Points: 8666
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Tense Review - Australia: Your New Home - All Tenses: Past/Present/Future
An article about Australia from the perspective of a new migrant, with a focus on some of Australia�s problems. Students fill in the gaps with the correct tense. Great for FCE and CAE students, or for testing yourself;) This is what I start most new courses off with, along with my rules worksheet. Leads to interesting discussions about the student�...
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 909
Logic In Gossip - Reported Speech Logic Game (5pgs inc. cards and solution)
Group activity: 20 cards with direct speech are handed out which the students "heard", and now need to change into reported speech and "gossip" about with other members of the group. They use logic regarding what they heard to complete the 7 people�s names, jobs, nationality, car brand and "juicy gossip". Practices all reported speech changes with ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 535
Extreme Sports Discussions + Intensifier exercises - Very/Quite/Really/Extremely etc.
A worksheet on EXTREME SPORTS, which includes an exercise on intensifier adverbs for gradable and non-gradable adjectives, such as VERY/REALLY/QUITE/RATHER/EXTREMELY/TOTALLY/COMPLETELY etc, and a number of activities and questions sure to create a lot of discussion. Companion worksheet to "Totally Extreme Record" id=418957. Answers included...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 466
No Offense Intended - Relative Clauses - Social Offense and Correctness (2pages)
An article on social offense which students complete by choosing the correct relative pronoun - WHO/WHICH/WHEN/WHERE/WHOSE/THAT. It discusses an award-winning children�s book based on The Three Little Pigs which was unfairly criticised for potentially offending builders and muslims.Starts off with a multiple choice exercise to introduce the topic, ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 389
Absurd Laws - Conditionals - Unless, As Long As, Even If, In Case, Provided That
Article about new laws in some Italian towns that ban things such as sandcastles, noisy shoes, kebab shops, miniskirts, feeding pigeons, sitting on steps, etc. Students complete the article by filling in the gaps with the correct conditional (0,1,2,3) with a focus on alternatives to if: as long as, unless, provided that, in case, even if... There i...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 376
We Used To Be Happy - Past/Present Habit - Used To/Would/Get Used To/Be Used To
A multiple-choice article about money and happiness, where students choose the correct past or present habit options. Practices use of used to/would/past simple for past habit, present simple/present continuous for present habit, as well as "get used to" and "be used to" forms for being accustomed to something. Leads to interesting discussions abou...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 366
Parental Obligation - Modals of permission/obligation/necessity - Kids and Parenting
A multiple-choice article about the difficulties of parenting, where students choose the correct permssion/obligation/necessity modal. Starts with an activity about parenting classes and the most important things a parent needs to teach their children. Good articles for discussions about discipline, manners, parenting, children�s noise levels, chil...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 356
True Survival Stories + Modals of Ability
Four true survival stories, each with many multiple choice options for students to practice ability modals and expressions. How these people survived after becoming lost at sea, without a parachute, after a camping trip gone very wrong, and after a plane crash, is sure to interest all readers... Companion worksheet to "Shipwreck Survival" id=422206...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 339
Good To Gossip? - Reported Speech
An article about research regarding gossip, which shows that it is actually good for us! Students complete the article by choosing the correct quote for each gap, and turning it into reported speech. Students discuss reasons for gossiping, whether gossip is a good thing, how much they trust what others tell them, gossip at school and in the workpla...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 335
Wikileaks - Past and Present Tenses (Simple/Perfect/Continuous/Passive) - The Media and Censorship
An article about about the current Wikileaks diplomatic cable controversy, with background information about Wikileaks and Julian Assange. Students complete the text by filling in the gaps with the correct past or present tense, with particular focus on past perfect and present perfect to make the order of events clear, but also includes simple, co...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 312