price printable
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Price domino 2-2
With this domino children can practice how to say prices in British English. They can also revise numbers for 1 to 100 and some vocabulary. Sorry but the images are very big and I haven�t been able to upload both in the same worksheet. You can find the first part here http://www.eslprinta bles.com/printable.a sp?id=204984#thetop
Level: elementary
Age: 9-11
Type: activity-card
Worksheet: Fruit, Price and Quality
This worksheet is about fruit, price and quality. It can be used as review. Listen and number the pictures, Take a look at the information box and write the prices correctly, Follow the model and write answers, translate the adjectives and write about your favorite fruit. Enjoy it! :0)
Teacher Ellen
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Price domino 1-2
With this domino children can practice how to say prices in British English. They can also revise numbers for 1 to 100 and some vocabulary. Sorry but the images are very big and I haven�t been able to upload both in the same worksheet. You can find the second part here http://www.eslprinta bles.com/printable.a sp?id=204987#thetop
Level: elementary
Age: 9-11
Type: activity-card
The last 3 COLLOCATION worksheets. First of the last 3 is about CHARGE, COST, PRICE. ENJOY !!!
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Let�s go to the bakery!I hope you find it interesting! Enjoy!
Level: elementary
Age: 4-17
Type: activity-card
Price tag - Jessie J
I�ve prepared this song as a "welcome back" to my kids, aged 9-11.
It consists on 4 different kinds of listening activity and also a great opportunity to discuss about the topic!
Hope you enjoy :)
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: others
Price Tag- Song
This is a very nice song to teach our Ss about the importance of things. To appreciate their value and not because of their money. You could use this worksheet to practice listening, nouns, verbs, or to introduce the topic of shopping. Thanks for downloading.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
logic game 9 - at the supermarket
my 9th logic game , this time using the past, the pupils have to read the clues carefully and find out to which supermarket each woman went, how much they paid and what they forgot to buy. Have fun *** ANSWER KEY INCLUDED
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
How much is/are: Prices - B&W version included
The students have to write questions and answers about sweets and their prices.Hope you like it!Hugs, Catalina
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Fair Trade Bananas. Commenting pictures and giving one�s opinion.
This ws is aimed at raising awareness around this topic which is often dealt with at oral exams. I used these visuals to introduce the subject. Then provide them with vocabulary to elicit conversation. I added sample answers and extra elements. Students are supposed to react and give their opinion.
Level: advanced
Age: 14-100
Type: worksheet
Idioms, Drill 13
How do you do! The list of the idioms from this ws: a) Think nothing of it b) serve my purpose c) In fact d) so far e) draw the line f) so much the better. Topic: shopping for gloves. Vocabulary worth attention: frankly, be in a hurry for, sale, half price, spend much for, expensive, etc...
The set is to be continued... :~) Take care of yourself!
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
You can find some exercises to practise the difference between pairs of words often confused. The pairs included are, for example, lie-lay, rise-raise,rob-steal , realise-release,actu al-current, and so on. The key is included.
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
TEST: Price and Shops
Another easy test with two exsercises. (Key included)
Hope it is useful.
Level: elementary
Age: 9-11
Type: worksheet
logic game 12 - shopping trip in London
my 12th logic game , this time using the past, the pupils have to read the clues carefully and find to which shop the 4 persons went, what item they bought and how much they paid (can be included in a lesson plan about London, since those shops are in London). Have fun *** ANSWER KEY INCLUDED (preview looks messed up but when you download it looks ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Food you can buy in a bakery, also great for role play.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Inventions Price of Right
I played this as a price guessing team game and the students were very excited about it. These are all real inventions and students can ask questions about the products in order to guess more accurately. Just like �The Price is Right�, the team who guesses closest to the real price without going over wins the round.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Format: PowerPoint
The price is Right Game
All student numbers have been placed in the bowl. 4 names will be chosen randomly. 4 students will come to the front of the class and play The Price is Right. You will see a picture of an item on the screen and you have to guess the retail price. T will give you a hint by saying higher or lower. The person who gets it right will win a stamp for...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Format: PowerPoint
What�s the price? How much is it?
Game what�s the price. You can use it as warm up. Ss need to guess what�s the correct price. You can edit it and change the objects and prices. My ss really like this game. Hope your ss like it too =)
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Format: PowerPoint
The Price is Right Game (part1)
This is a game that can be used with business english students to practice numbers and prices.
Level: elementary
Age: 12-100
Format: PowerPoint
Song class: "Price Tag"
Conversation, reading, vocabulary and listening activities about Jessie J�s song.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Format: PowerPoint
The Price is Right
A game I have used after teaching about british money-Can also be used as a fun activity during a shopping lesson
Level: intermediate
Age: 7-17
Format: PowerPoint
guess the price part 2
guess the price game, conversation about buying things, part 2 of 3
Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Format: PowerPoint
The Price is Right Game (part2)
This is the second part of the price is right game, that I wasn�t able to upload all at once.
Level: elementary
Age: 12-100
Format: PowerPoint
guess the price part 3
part 3 of 3
Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Format: PowerPoint
THE PRICE IS RIGHT - appliances
This is a funny power point in which students will have fun at the same time they learn new vocabulary about appliances.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Format: PowerPoint
How much is this / are these?
In this powerpoint, you can teach your students how to ask for price in the forms of singular and plural (be = is/are) using the demonstratives "this"and "these". In the last slides there are some exercises.
Hope you like it!
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Format: PowerPoint
Shops and shopping
This is a lesson to enlarge elementary students� vocabulary on shopping. It�s great to use if a SmartBoard or a screen with a projector are an essential part of your class. The key vocabulary is illustrated, the slides will support your explanation and offer a range of activities.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Format: PowerPoint
How to make a product presentation Part 2
From my website: www.lenguasvivas.alt ervista.org/learning -english. This powerpoint has guide lines to help ss while writing a product presentation, from the first draft to the final presentation. Writing practice for advanced students. I couldn�t upload the whole powerpoint because the site didn�t let me to do that, so I uploaded a second part, y...
Level: advanced
Age: 13-100
Format: PowerPoint
How to make a product presentation (part 1)
From my website: www.lenguasvivas.alt ervista.org/learning -english. This powerpoint has guidelines to help ss while writing a product presentation from the first part of the draft to the final presentation. There are tips on cross cultural issues related to business, business protocol, the use of visual aids. I hope you find it useful! There is a ...
Level: advanced
Age: 13-100
Format: PowerPoint
Review of basic contents
A PPT to review basic knowledge to be used in a daily basis, learned in A0-A1 courses.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100
Format: PowerPoint

Clothes & Asking price
It contains basic clothes vocabulary,grammar exercises with How much is/are and useful phrases for buying clothes.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100

Jessie J - Price tag
New song �Jessie J - Price tag� avabile on iTunes !
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100

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