mystery character game - can or can�t
This is an easy game to play with your students. First, they have to guess who is the character you present to them orally according to what he can and cannot do.
Then, they have to create their own card with another mystery character that the others will have to identify by asking questions(can the mystery character...?) to the owner of the card...
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Type: activity-card
�Hallowe�en matching true or false and order sentences.
This worksheet is suitable for hallowe�en. You can practise sentence matching, true or false and order sentences. everything about the pictures above. I hope you can find it useful. Thanks.
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Type: worksheet
A or An
This a worksheet that will help early English speakers with the difference between A and An.
Level: elementary
Age: 3-14
Type: worksheet
Present simple or present continuous?
There are some exercises based on "The Simpsons" to identify the difference os use between the present simple and the present continuous.
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Should I stay or Should I Go Gap Filling
A fun activity, where you have both band description and song gap filling. With this worksheet you can practise modal verb �should�, pronoun �me�, and other vocabulary like �free�, �double�, etc.
Hope you enjoy it.
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Apologize or Saying Sorry
this worksheet will help any kind of level especially elementary and intermediate..... level... hope you�ll enjoy using it...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Much or Many
Complete with many or much.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
American Slang
This worksheet includes reading comprehension, writing, and conversation. It�s helpful if you want your students to understand commonly used American words/phrases.
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Type: worksheet
Underline the VERB & show whether it is in the PRESENT or PAST tense.Complete this chart in the PAST TENSE.
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: worksheet
26 English or Scottish celebrities to sort out with the help of the internet + Key
Hello everyone and happy new year! In this ws, ss read the information given to discover on the internet the names of famous British people: 10 from England, 4 from York and 12 from Scotland, ranging from a) to z). I tried to cover as many fields as possible (science, cinema, music, books...) as well as numerous periods (contemporary, Middle Ages.....
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
present simple or continuous?
Simple worksheet with sentences in which you have to write the correct form of the verb
Level: elementary
Age: 8-8
Type: worksheet
writing about your favourite place
a worksheet to help students develop their writing skills .
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Type: worksheet
using must & mustn�t
the pupils are asked to fill in the gaps with must and mustn�t
Level: elementary
Age: 8-10
Type: worksheet
Road Safety
Here is a reading and writing worksheet where students can talk about the highway code.
First, they match the signs with their meanings.
Then, they anwer a quiz about road safety.
Lastly, they try to convince their grandparents to buy a car!
Good for students with difficulties that like men�s themes!
Hope you�ll find it useful.
Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Type: worksheet