In this page you will find templates that you can choose to make your own worksheets or powerpoints.
These templates are offered for free by generous members, and you don't need any point to dowload them.

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Printable templates


PowerPoint templates

Agenda - page 2
Page two of agenda.
Level: intermediate
Age: 6-17
Type: others
Downloads: 66

Agenda - page 1
Printable and customizable agenda pages to help keep assignments under control.
Level: intermediate
Age: 7-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 148

Template 4
This template consists of an image. You may put it aside on the 2nd page of your document and after you finish your worksheet put the image where you want it. It the text disappears, please click on the icon Image and choose Bring text up front or Place Image behind text. Hope you like the frame. Hugs!
Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 285

dominoes - template
You can use this template for dominoes, reading cards, games. It�s only up to your fantasy;o)) Enjoy
Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Type: others
Downloads: 851

I make it in PAINT, then insert a new worksheet into this file, adjust the size if needed. Hope you�ll use it some day , too.
Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Type: others
Downloads: 183

Vocabulary Test - 15 Words
This template helps to save time in preparing vocabulary tests. Copy and paste 15 words. You can also sort the words of the second test differently to make it harder to cheat.
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-17
Type: others
Downloads: 608

Worksheet Template (Landscape)
Landscape spiral notebook layout that can be easily edited to your needs.
Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Type: others
Downloads: 1783

Notebook Template Disney
Notebook template for worksheets, made with word shapes (54kb) just add text boxes to insert your content. Fully editable. Hope it�s useful.
Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 2520

Game cards Template - 4 pages - 48 cards
48 game cards made with text boxes (37kb), fully editable and ready to insert your content. Hope it�s useful.
Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 1080

Boardgame Template "Bubbles"
Boardgame Template made with word shapes (39kb), fully editable, 33 spaces. Hope it�s useful.
Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Type: others
Downloads: 319